Five days into my 30 Days Until Baby posts. That is 1/6 of the month. Time doesn’t have breaks! Dominic is chomping at the bit … he is ready for this baby to be here! For example … Friday night … well, Saturday morning … 3 am. He starts patting the bed all around me. […]
Reason #286,121 and #286,122
It’s true, there are a ton of reasons why I absolutely adore my husband. This weekend he added 2 more … We ran out of toilet paper upstairs on Sunday night. Being too lazy/pregnant to trek to the garage for more I moved my tissue box into the bathroom for my midnight visits. By the […]
Our Baby Mobile
Worry, Helicopters and Becoming a Mom
Worry is the fear we manufacture; it is a choice. Conversely, true fear is involuntary; it will come and get our attention if necessary. But, if a parent or a child feels fear constantly, there is no signal left for when it’s really needed. Thus, the parent who chooses to worry all the time or […]
Ruffle Butt
Doctor, where are you?
Here’s a little vent on finding a pediatrician …Call me picky, but I really want someone we connect with. I want someone who is interested in my ideas about parenting (delayed vaccines, babywearing, co-sleeping, breastfeeding,etc.). I would like someone who helps to educate me rather than strictly sharing their opinion. I NEED someone who is […]
You Know You’re Pregnant When …

… you and your long-distance pregnant bestie have text conversations like this: Gretchen – I wanted to sleep more this morning so I didn’t wash my hair today. Mallory – I have the occasional Pepsi. I sent Devin [her husband] to a dentist appt this morning that is actually tomorrow … Gretchen – I called […]
September 23rd
From the beginning I have thought my due date was September 30th. You know, based on my handy dandy ovulation tracking iPhone application. But, based on my LMP, my midwife declared my due date at October 9th. So that’s what we’ve gone with.But, now I’m wondering … well, kind of stressing.There is such a wide […]
This is what compromise looks like …
To the Brim

I am brimming with angst and longing to do something creative. Something. ANYTHING. Often time doesn’t allow, so I sit and dream of a day with lots of time and energy and enthusiasm to conquer a project other than laundry. You see, yesterday I went treasure hunting at the Salvation Army. I mean, who can […]