Take It Easy — 5 Things You Need After Birth

When I wrote this post for Margot’s blog, Newfoundlander at Heart, she was about ready to have her first baby! Now her little Wendel is here as well as my Max!
Since Jemma was born I’ve become more and more of a believe in the 4th trimester. Have you heard of it? The 4th trimester represents those first few weeks after baby is home while the whole family is adjusting to a new and wonderful normal. To make things easier during this adjustment period I recommend having the following on hand …

Paper Plate Stash

I don’t know many people who love doing the dishes. I, for one, barely tolerate them. After baby is born dishes become one more thing that needs to be done. I totally recommend buying a pack of 100 study paper plates and giving yourself a break! Before your green self has a heart attack, remember that many paper plates can be composted or rinsed and recycled.  

Nursing Basket

So many hours are spent nursing during the 4th trimester and beyond. I loved having a basket in each of my favorite nursing spots (one upstairs and one downstairs) filled with nursing pads, lanolin, a bottle of water, a granola bar snack, burp clothes, and hair ties. It never hurts to have a good book tucked in your basket too – my daughter often fell asleep and I didn’t want to risk moving so I got a lot of reading done while rocking my sweetie :)

Freezer Meals 

Kind of along the lines of paper plates, easy, healthy, food is a must once baby is home. Nursing creates quite the appetite and to keep a solid milk supply mama has to keep her calorie intake high. Prepare before baby with a stock of freezer meals. Things like pasta dishes/lasagna, enchiladas, and soups all freeze really well. Here is a peak at some of the freezer meal recipes I made before my daughter’s arrival.

Massage Appointment 

The best push present is definitely a massage. There is nothing better than laying on your stomach and having all the aches and pains massaged away. Plan to have a family member or friend come along with you and your little one in the waiting room so you don’t have to worry about being too far away during your relaxation time.

An Encouraging Word 

No matter what happens during labor, midnight feedings, or the days and months to follow, you must remember that you are the very best mama for your baby. The two of you are a perfect pair making the most priceless memories together. Embrace those memories and believe in yourself as you grow as a mama!

What else would you recommend?

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  1. SadieDear says

    Such great advice! I wish I'd had paper plates on hand after my little one was born. Maybe TMI… but don't forget that every new mom is likely going to need some Preparation H! LOL…. just sayin'.

  2. Katie Shannon says

    Love those – definitely had the nursing basket. Our freezer was so tiny after I had my youngest that I wasn't able to have freezer meals ready. A massage appointment would have been nice!! An encouraging word – great reminder to all because you never know who is suffering with ppd/ppa, I hid mine pretty well.

  3. Angie says

    Hi Gretchen! Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! Wishing you many years of love, good health and happiness! Angie (from Angie Baby Gifts)

  4. says

    ohhh…paper plates…excellent idea. I'm adding that to my list of stuff to buy today!!

  5. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Thanks so much :)

  6. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Encouraging words are SO important … no matter what mamas are struggling with, there is no doubt in my mind that these first few weeks/months are trying for us all!

  7. ThatMamaGretchen says

    True that!

  8. says

    Paper plates. You are a genius woman lol. And the nursing basket. It’s funny how much I am just now figuring out the third time around. Seriously so ;)

    • says

      Buy the Costco pack of paper plates for sure! Relieves your stress and the older kids can easily help clean up after meals :) And husbands :)

  9. janie vezina says

    these are some awesome ideas. so much time is spent for baby’s arrival, you can forget taking care of you afterwards.

  10. Kristina says

    And I think you also need free time for yourself.

    • Gretchen says

      Yes, very true!