Placenta Smoothie

Here I am, popping in to shout from the rooftops to the internet — encapsulating your placenta is great, buuuuuuut …. blending it in a smoothie is better!

Now, don’t be alarmed. I didn’t blend the whole thing. Just a 1 inch cube. It was hardly there. But there enough to give me a big boost after surviving labor and birth. While still in bed just a few hours after Reid was born my friend/placenta encapsulator brought me a fancy smoothie to sip on. I was hesitant at first, who wouldn’t be? But, I had made up my mind to give it a go. And I did. And it was totally fine! This recipe hides any potential taste and texture.

Seeing that most mammals ingest their placenta after birth I figured a smoothie was my best bet in following their footsteps. Plus, the blood loss from birth and overwhelming rush of hormones postpartum call for a big helper. And that helper is the one and only placenta.

I sipped on that placenta smoothie and smiled and you know what? When my mason jar was empty, I wanted more. Truly! That evening, after an entire day of labor, I was booming with energy. I felt like I could stay up all night looking at my sweet newborn and replaying the day’s events. Of course this wave of energy was in part from the post-birth oxytocin rush, but after all that blood loss, I’m left to believe that ingesting a piece of my placenta helped my body recover even faster. The placenta is crucial to life in utero, so I don’t think that once it is expelled it all of a sudden becomes waste. That just sounds like nonsense.

Join me and give your placenta one last hurrah, let it give mama an extra dose of life in those early postpartum hours! I promise you won’t regret it!

placenta smoothie

Placenta Smoothie
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682 calories
52 g
0 g
54 g
10 g
43 g
756 g
59 g
27 g
0 g
7 g
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size
Amount Per Serving
Calories 682
Calories from Fat 454
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 54g
Saturated Fat 43g
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 4g
Monounsaturated Fat 3g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 59mg
Total Carbohydrates 52g
Dietary Fiber 9g
Sugars 27g
Protein 10g
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
  1. 1 cup coconut milk
  2. 1/2 cup pineapple, frozen
  3. 1/2 cup mango, frozen
  4. 1/4 cup blueberries, frozen
  5. 1/4 cup blackberries, frozen
  6. 1/2 cup spinach
  7. 1 tablespoon lime juice
  8. 1 tablespoon flax seed meal
  9. 1 tablespoon dried quinoa
  10. 1 inch cube raw placenta
  11. 5+ ice cubes
  1. Add all ingredients into a high powered blender (here is my shameless plug for the Vitamix!) and blend well.
Adapted from Code Name Mama, Dionna Ford
That Mama Gretchen

Did you encapsulate your placenta after birth? Did you try a placenta smoothie? If not, have I convinced you that you can do it?!?

Eager for more placenta talk? Read on …

The Placenta Report

I’m Eating My Placenta … Again

4 Things You Don’t Know About Your Placenta

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  1. says

    So do you frequently do a smoothie with a one-inch cube? Was it one-and-done? Did you encapsulate the rest? I’m sure you’ve already said but I missed it/don’t remember if so!

    • ThatMamaGretchen says

      I just did it that once, right after birth. I know a few mamas who have done it daily for the first week or so though. I encapsulated the rest.

  2. Ducky says

    What are your thoughts about adding this to pizza?

  3. Sevval says

    I’m gonna throw up