This is more for me than anyone. Posting articles I hope to re-read in the future are best organized here. I’m so thankful for organizational tools like blogs. Three cheers for the 21st century. My birth story is almost ready to post. I know, quite a long time coming. But, anyways, as I journaled my […]
Less Jersey, More Herbs

picture credit Having a little munchkin makes me look at the world in a whole new way. I’m more conscientious of the TV we watch (Dominic’s Jersey Shore), foods we eat (the occasional McNugget) and things we say (you know, those less-than-ladylike words I might utter every so now and again). I’m definitely not striving […]
New Read: Sorta Crunchy
Megan at Sorta Crunchy is chalk full of thoughtful posts on relevant topics for today’s parents. I love all her resources and will definitely be visiting frequently! This afternoon I found these 2 articles … definitely worth a read: Why We’ll Skip the Flu Shot (again) and What We’ll Do Instead On Vaccinations and Moving […]
Here is a golden nugget from my current read: There are three reasons why it is best never to leave babies alone to cry. The first reason is that they have a great need for being held and touched … That may be the reason they are crying in the first place … The second […]
Advice for New Parents
I read SO MUCH about pregnancy and birth and am now rushing to catch up on parenting topics. If that’s my one bit of advice, it’s to read about parenting topics that are important to you. Pregnancy is only 9 months, birth a few hours/days, parenting … it’s gonna last forever! The latest topic I’ve […]
2 Months

Milestone sticker courtesy of Sticky Bellies I wonder if I’ll ever stop saying, “Where has the time gone?” Miss Jemma is a lovely 2 month old today. I never imagined loving motherhood so much. Each day brings more surprises; always leaving me wanting more. Just yesterday she looked straight at me and gave the biggest […]
Baby training begins at birth
The below post is from PhD in Parenting. It was short and sweet so instead of referencing it I decided to just re-post it in its entirety. Very reassuring message for a mama who is a bit overwhelmed and in awe of this whole journey called motherhood … At what age is it okay to […]
Black & White

I love the contrasting artwork by Wee Gallery and intend to use one of their freebies in a picture book I’m making for Jemma. It’s amazing to me how she focuses on things already and I’m hoping pictures such as these will even further entertain her little eyes. I found each of these articles quite […]
11 lbs, 10 oz and a few other thoughts
Nursing for Comfort
It is reassuring to know that Nursing for Comfort has many benefits … Jemma is especially happy :) Definitely a worthwhile read for mama’s currently or considering breastfeeding.
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