At the end of Dr. Hoffmann-Smith’s vaccination class he gave parents 8 questions to help prevent vaccine reactions. I felt like this was really helpful information since I think we’ll end up pursuing some of the recommended vaccines. Dr. Hoffmann-Smith believes many vaccine reactions aren’t reported which then skews statistics and doesn’t alert the public […]
Day #8 – The Cost of Birth
Lots of countdowns happening … baby and my birthday! 23 days to baby which made me think, I’m not going to be 23 for very much longer. Also, I might be a 23 year old mom or a 24 year old mom … all depends on when baby decides to arrives in relation to October […]
Vaccines, Part 4: Thoughts on Each Vaccine
It took me awhile to finish up these posts on vaccinations .. shame on me. What can I say? I got a little preoccupied with baby clothes, bedding and other fun stuff :)– We’ve yet to make our decision about vaccines. It seems that one moment I’m super confident that we aren’t going to vaccinate, […]
Moms Who Work
I am so excited for Adriel’s Moms Who Work Series! Check out The Mommyhood Memos for a preview of what she has coming down the pipeline!
Enjoy Birth

Whenever I need a dose of encouragement or an informative article about birth I turn to Enjoy Birth. It is a serious blessing to have such a great resource at my fingertips! This week the author, Sheridan (mom of 3), posted a list of recent articles she has come across. Two of my favorite links were What […]
Worry, Helicopters and Becoming a Mom
Worry is the fear we manufacture; it is a choice. Conversely, true fear is involuntary; it will come and get our attention if necessary. But, if a parent or a child feels fear constantly, there is no signal left for when it’s really needed. Thus, the parent who chooses to worry all the time or […]
Car Seat Installation
We are about ready to get a new, family-size car. Well, new to us at least :) You know what that means? It’s about time to get the car seat out of the box and get it properly installed! Thanks to Fit Pregnancy I have a guide to hand over to Dominic for the big event. Here […]
Week 34 Appointment
Another week is flying by! Yesterday Dominic and I went to my 34 week appointment … 34 WEEKS. It feels like the home stretch. All the pregnancy blogs I’ve been reading over the last few months are giving birth and it is so sweet to see pictures of pregnant bellies turn into pictures of little babies! […]
Does your crib need a bumper?
Jess over at Here Comes the Sun did some fantastic research on the dangers of crib bumpers. Definitely worth reading before you find your perfect bed set!
Vaccines, Part 3: The Schedule(s)
Before I get into each different vaccine and what we learned at the seminar I thought it might be valuable to post all the potential schedules you can follow. Researching vaccines is much more of “to vaccinate or not to vaccinate”. It is that and then “what vaccines and when”. The American Academy of Pediatrics […]
Vaccines, Part 1: Seminar and Perspectives of Approach
Part of becoming a parent is being blasted with information. Imagine Midwest hail storm – golf ball size hail. That’s how it feels. I am literally darting for cover on a daily basis. Most of this is probably from my current ability to become extremely overwhelmed (thank you pregnancy hormones); other bit probably comes from […]