Jem is living up her tummy time right now. She is starting to do this silly inchworm thing where she buries her head into the ground and sticks her booty in the air, then wiggles like crazy in an attempt to scoot around. We are so far from having a baby proof house. Slow down […]
Between naps, laundry and everything else
I don’t write as much as I used to in my blog posts, now I post pictures and links. Life of a mama who types 1-handed, I guess :) What I can do is read. I read during Jemma’s naps as she is cuddled in my arms and soak up the wisdom of other mothers. […]
Putting Tears in Perspective

In our society, children, even babies, are viewed with suspicion. Rather than trusting that their cries signal a need, we are told that they are manipulating us. Liefloff continues, saying that “Babies have, indeed, become a sort of enemy to be vanquished by the mother. Crying must be ignored so as to show the baby […]
I’m That Mom … and Proud of It
Just like everyone, I adore reading Melissa’s blog, Dear Baby. Recently she posted about Everly choking and I had a mini heart attack. In a moment of panic would I remember how to help Jemma (or another baby) if they were choking? This spurred an email to our family/friends … Feel free to roll your […]
Less Jersey, More Herbs

picture credit Having a little munchkin makes me look at the world in a whole new way. I’m more conscientious of the TV we watch (Dominic’s Jersey Shore), foods we eat (the occasional McNugget) and things we say (you know, those less-than-ladylike words I might utter every so now and again). I’m definitely not striving […]
New Read: Sorta Crunchy
Megan at Sorta Crunchy is chalk full of thoughtful posts on relevant topics for today’s parents. I love all her resources and will definitely be visiting frequently! This afternoon I found these 2 articles … definitely worth a read: Why We’ll Skip the Flu Shot (again) and What We’ll Do Instead On Vaccinations and Moving […]
Black & White

I love the contrasting artwork by Wee Gallery and intend to use one of their freebies in a picture book I’m making for Jemma. It’s amazing to me how she focuses on things already and I’m hoping pictures such as these will even further entertain her little eyes. I found each of these articles quite […]
11 lbs, 10 oz and a few other thoughts
Mark on this world, impact on eternity
Mandy at She Breathes Deeply is a constant source of encouragement. Her blog is marked in my “Daily Reads” and I’m so excited for the adventure she and her husband are embarking on … PARENTHOOD!.Today she started the 30 Days of Truth and journaled on hate. Contrary to what you would think, this was an […]
EcoStore USA Review
Over the last few months I’ve been communicating with Maggie from EcoStore USA. She is a mom blogger who has a heart for family’s health and wellness and has partnered with EcoStore USA to provide some amazing products to family’s like mine. Maggie contacted me about reviewing some of EcoStore USA’s products and I jumped […]
Vaccines, Part 5: Preventing Reactions
At the end of Dr. Hoffmann-Smith’s vaccination class he gave parents 8 questions to help prevent vaccine reactions. I felt like this was really helpful information since I think we’ll end up pursuing some of the recommended vaccines. Dr. Hoffmann-Smith believes many vaccine reactions aren’t reported which then skews statistics and doesn’t alert the public […]