Mark on this world, impact on eternity

Mandy at She Breathes Deeply is a constant source of encouragement. Her blog is marked in my “Daily Reads” and I’m so excited for the adventure she and her husband are embarking on … PARENTHOOD!
Today she started the 30 Days of Truth and journaled on hate. Contrary to what you would think, this was an extremely positive post. I especially loved what she said about the changes her growing pregnant body are going through. She wrote, My body may never be the same, but I am growing a little girl who will leave her mark on this world and have a impact on eternity.”
Golly … I wish I would have dreamt up this perfect sentence. It is so true! It makes me love every little flab, stretch mark and pound that I have become post-Jemma. In the coming days/months/years I’ll be remembering this … My body may never be the same, but I grew a little girl who will leave her mark on this world and have an impact on eternity.
Thanks Mandy for sharing your heart!

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  1. says

    So true :) Every stretchmark, pound, ache and pain… it's all worth it!

  2. says

    I know! I read her post last night and I loved that sentence too! it makes you think about your body and this whole process in a totally new way…and love it even more!

  3. says

    Those are exactly the words I have definitely felt, but haven't been able to verbalize myself. Thanks for sharing. :)