I don’t write as much as I used to in my blog posts, now I post pictures and links. Life of a mama who types 1-handed, I guess :) What I can do is read. I read during Jemma’s naps as she is cuddled in my arms and soak up the wisdom of other mothers.
I just finished Three in a Bed and highly recommend it. So many parts of motherhood are derived from fear and I am committed to focusing on the positives rather than all the “What ifs”. Fear is not from the Lord and I don’t want it to play any role in my life. What I do choose to focus on is safety and education. That’s why I read so much; the more I read, the more I learn and the more I become confident as a mama. Next up – The Wonder Weeks. Jemma is on the brink of the 19 week milestone and I’m seeing so much physical and development growth in her each day. It’s amazing to learn about all of the growth going on inside her little mind. Babies bodies and minds work so hard to explore the world they are a part of. You can sign up here to get email alerts about your little one’s big learning milestones.
Back to the purpose of this post … my recent blog/online reads and ideas:
- What an amazingly organized playroom, a mama’s dream come true!
- After The Wonder Weeks I’m going to read up on Montessori
- This mama has been a Montessori teacher and her son’s interaction with his sculpting center is so fun to watch
- Bento lunches … if I ever have the energy I would love to make these for my kiddos, nothing like making meals fun :)
- Dominic and I probably watch too much TV, it is such an easy way to relax/zone out … but, as Jemma gets older I hope to limit our TV time to focus more on family-centered activities
- I probably cook real meals twice each week, the rest of the week is leftovers or simple dinners like grilled sandwiches. I love this list of of quick meals, now if I could just find a kitchen fairy to whip them up for me!
- I never want to get on the breastfeeding soap box, I believe every mama is doing the very best for their baby, but when only 13% of mamas are exclusively breastfeeding at 6 months it seems that something needs to change within our societal norm
That’s it for today! If you have a chance to peruse any of these links I’d love to hear your thoughts :)
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16% is way lower than I thought… and I love you picture posts… baby Jemma is too cute.We just dropped our cable and what a difference. We have Netflix but we have to think about what we are going to watch now and make it worth it.
I hope you will do a blog post after you read the Wonder Weeks :)
I definitely will!
Thank you for recommending that book on my post. I'm going to see if it's at the library and if not I'll buy it. Sounds like an awesome read :)