‘Tis the Season

The holidays make me emotional. I go back and forth between being SO excited and almost dreading it. Christmas is busy, it takes alot of effort, and for a perfectionist like me achieving a magical moment Christmas morning takes quite a bit of coordination. At the tipping point of ensuing grinch-dom I usually realize why […]

Thanksgiving 2011 & Turkey Handprint Place Cards

Dominic and I hosted Thanksgiving for the second time this year. It was a fabulous get together of his parents, mine, Jemma’s aunties, and the Thankgiving star herself, Jemma! Our meal consisted of turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, rolls, cranberry dressing, olives, pickled beets and beans, olives, cranberry sauce, corn, macaroni and cheese, pumpkin pie, and […]


We’ve been home close to 2 months, but I still wanted to share some of the pictures from our fabulous trip to the south! We went to visit Dominic’s brother, Anton, and his wife, Tasha, and daughter, Karrington. Jemma had a ball with her cousin and we ate WAY TOO MUCH amazing BBQ, but hey, […]

Sunday Confessional V.3

21. Dominic and I bicker about TV shows often. To resolve them we have instigated “us shows” meaning a show that we can both enjoy/tolerate. There are few shows in the “us” category. You see, Dominic prefers anything reality – ANYTHING, even the housewives crap. I prefer all things drama – Lost, Pan Am, Grey’s […]


My sister snapped a few photos for our Christmas newsletter this past weekend. These are by far my most favorite outtakes … JEMMA BLOWING KISSES! … Oh so many ways to follow along … Blog – GFC – Blog Lovin’ – Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest – Vote

13 & 14 Months

Yikes – I completely missed Jemma’s 13 month post. Probably because we were traveling for much of October and early November. We’ll consider this a catch up for both months … My sweet girl …You and I are becoming the very best of friends. Of course, I’ll always be your mama first, but spending each […]

Homemade Christmas: Circle Scarves

Isn’t this the most awesome fabric? It’s a light weight cotton and I think it’s look so boho. I keep trying to take some self-portraits and the above photo is proof of why it’s just not for me. I even set up the tripod I found at a garage sale this summer in an attempt […]

Sunday Confessional V.2

Oops, missed a week of Sunday Confessional. Consistency is not my strong point, meh. 11. I’m so happy I didn’t chop my hair off after Jemma was born. Having it long has been the ultimate hair-do. I can style it down, knot it on my head, and not wash it for days. It’s pretty fabulously […]

Star Worthy V.6

When you have a spare moment – here’s the links that are a must read :) This mama and I met on Twitter during Jemma’s nursing strike/weaning drama – she was such an encouragement and I wanted to share her AWESOME breastfeeding links from her blog 6 Free Alternatives to Vaccines – Um … I […]


As a part of my effort to streamline my life I’m starting a new, little thing around here …Instead of individual giveaways each month, I’m going to host one day of giveaways galore! Doesn’t that sound fun? So, join us on the 25th of each month for GIVEAWAY DAY! This month a few of our […]