Oops, missed a week of Sunday Confessional. Consistency is not my strong point, meh.
11. I’m so happy I didn’t chop my hair off after Jemma was born. Having it long has been the ultimate hair-do. I can style it down, knot it on my head, and not wash it for days. It’s pretty fabulously versatile.
12. I have visited a fair amount of countries … Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales), Argentina, Brazil, Jamaica, and Grand Cayman Islands. Mexico is my favorite relaxing place for sure!
13. The ’98 CRV I drive right now is the newest car I’ve owned. It beat out the ’81 Mercedes 380SL and the ’86 BMW 318i.
14. I’m a wee bit obsessed with Tiny Toms – I really want a pair of the “It’s a Small World” collection for Miss Jemma.
15. I’m pretty sure I eat more calories when I’m counting them. Therefore, I don’t. Ever. Food is too good and I’d rather enjoy it and try to cut back by eating smaller portions or re-inventing healthier versions than go without something.
16. I don’t really like ice cream. Although I die for pomegranate fro-yo.
17. I’m not mad at the Duggars for having baby #20. They take good care of those kids, are debt free, and are a great example of a family doing good in the world. I’m betting those kids will turn out much better than a lot of 2-3 kid families featured on TV.
18. Next pregnancy I’m planning to encapsulate my placenta.
19. My favorite colors right now (and yes, they change often) are coral and cream. Preferably together.
20. I’m already starting to think about my 2012 goals … so far, I want to try out Mama Baby yoga, create a Tastebook of all our family recipes, and open the Etsy shop I keep mentioning.
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I was just thinking IF I EVER HAVE ANOTHER BABY, I will get my placenta encapsulated. Kicking myself for not doing it this time, my midwife's specialty is encapsulation and chocolates!! she started the placenta liberation front. you can read about the project here! <a href="http://placenta-liberation-front.blogspot.com/2010/12/free-placenta-encapsulation-training.htmlhttp://placenta-liberation-front.blogspot.com/201… />p.s. post pictures of all those amazing places I'd love to see them!!!
I am a fan of the Duggars… I don't watch there show since we don't have cable anymore, but their family amazes me. She has raised and is raising wonderfully happy, well adjusted, well mannered and God loving children. I think it is wonderful how they live their lives. I love the Tiny Tom's. I think Eva is getting a pair for Spring/Summer(after the snow.)Your hair is beautiful.
Totally agree with #11. People who say short hair is easier must be talking only about super, super cropped hair. Agreed with #15.Having my placenta encapsulated was easy and was worth it for whatever benefits it might have given!
#13 Made me laugh, the first I care I owned was a 78 Chevy Impala. I agree with #17 too, I personally like the Duggars and all of their kids seem to be happy, loved, and well taken care of.
I have grand dreams of a much newer car next time around — a 2010 Chevy Traverse! I had one as a rental car recently and fell in love :) ________________________________From: Disqus <>To: thatmamagretchen@gmail.comSent: Monday, November 28, 2011 8:32 AMSubject: [thatmamagretchen] Re: That Mama Gretchen: Sunday Confessional V.2 Disqus generic email template
I didn't really know about placenta stuff with Jemma – plus when I transferred to the hospital they didn't even let me see it which was disappointing :( I'm totally giving it a try next time … a placenta print for baby's keepsake box and pills for me! ________________________________From: Disqus <>To: thatmamagretchen@gmail.comSent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 4:40 PMSubject: [thatmamagretchen] Re: That Mama Gretchen: Sunday Confessional V.2 Disqus generic email template
Yes – Toms are definitely non-rain/snow shoes. Mine got drenched the other day running errands :( ________________________________From: Disqus <>To: thatmamagretchen@gmail.comSent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 3:49 PMSubject: [thatmamagretchen] Re: That Mama Gretchen: Sunday Confessional V.2 Disqus generic email template
Most of the pictures aren't digital :( I need to round up some and scan then though! I'm checking out that website now – sounds awesome!________________________________From: Disqus <>To: thatmamagretchen@gmail.comSent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 3:14 PMSubject: [thatmamagretchen] Re: That Mama Gretchen: Sunday Confessional V.2 Disqus generic email template
I did a Tastebook for my sister's wedding and had both sides of the family submit recipes. It turned out really well. I gave her a copy and gave copies to our mom and his mom and made the link available to anyone else who wanted to purchase it. It was funny to see similar recipes from both sides of the family. I am concerned for Michelle Duggar's health but I have no beef with how well behaved and seemingly happy the the kids are.
I hear ya on Michelle's health – that worries me too!________________________________From: Disqus <>To: thatmamagretchen@gmail.comSent: Monday, November 28, 2011 6:49 PMSubject: [thatmamagretchen] Re: That Mama Gretchen: Sunday Confessional V.2 Disqus generic email template
Here's *my* confession: I had to Google "Encapsulated Placenta." And I'm glad I did. :-)
Haha … love it! I didn't know about it until after Jemma was born so I don't blame you :) I've heard that it can do wonders for postpartum recovery – physical and emotion, worth trying out at least! ________________________________From: Disqus <>To: thatmamagretchen@gmail.comSent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 8:31 PMSubject: [thatmamagretchen] Re: That Mama Gretchen: Sunday Confessional V.2 Disqus generic email template
Not cutting your hair! My mom was very distraught that I didn't cut my hair after my LO was born. It was the conversation over Thanksgiving weekend. Offers of coupons…offers to go with me….I like it long and my DH likes it long….I an intrigued with encapsulating my placenta.