Sunday Confessional V.4

31. In college I donated platelets. It’s like a long version of donating blood, but you get paid for it because platelets are “x” times more useful than regular blood. It would take almost 2 hours so I would work on homework while I donated and then collect my $20 (sometimes more if they had mailed me a coupon for an extra $5-10) on the way out the door. Nothing like making money while you study!

32. Someday I would really like to have a u-cut Christmas tree farm! Wouldn’t that be the most magical family business?

33. When I was in 1st grade I was planning to become a Broadway star – I wanted to be Anna from the King and I. My mom even bought me the cassette tape so I could practice all the songs :)

34. I only wash my hair every 3-4 days. I have hair style options for each day too. Day 1 – blow dry straight or braid. Whatever I decide for Day 1 dictates what day 2, 3, and 4 turn into.

35. Dominic and I started dating on October 30, 2006, we were engaged on May 18, 2007, and married on August 24, 2007. That’s only 10 months from boyfriend/girlfriend to husband/wife!

36. Jemma and I have started a weekly tradition – PAJAMAS DAY! It’s different each week, but it’s our extra snuggly day where we stay home, cook comfort food, watch Sesame Street, and take a nap together … all in our pajamas :)

37. I use my email inbox like my to-do list. This week I had 38 messages – yikes! Now, it’s down to 4 – SUCCESS!

38. My favorite TV family is the Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie.

39. There are some days during the year that carry the same excitement as Christmas – 50% off day at Value Village and Salvation Army, the city-wide garage sale, and any 3-day weekend!

40. My grandpa was an amazing violinist, he even played on the radio in the late 1920’s. When he was a teenager he was working in a chair factory and cut off the tip of his thumb – he wasn’t able to ever play the same again and his hopes of becoming a professional violinist ended :(

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  1. Nessa Bixler says

    I love the idea of your PJ day.

  2. says

    i always wanted to be a broadway star too. unfortunately i can't dance OR sing. either monday or tuesday is our pajama day around here. it varies from week to week.

  3. says

    I only wash my hair every 3-4 days too! and I love pj day!