Tips for Creating a Birth Guide

I bet your britches you’re asking WHY create a birth plan in the first place. Well, here are my initial thoughts: First off, call it a birth guide (or birth preferences), because that’s what it is. A birth guide outlines your hopes and wishes for the best possible birth while taking into account potential rabbit […]

Our Wishes for Childbirth

I can’t stress enough how much my perspective of birth plans has evolved between my two pregnancies. I still believe they are important and helpful, but ultimately my main wish is that both mama and baby are healthy when all is said and done. It doesn’t take a whole lot of words to convey that. […]

Bring On the Calm – Hypnobabies for Birth #2

Joining Julie at A Little Bit of All  of It for her Preparing for Birth Series. This week’s focus is Childbirth Education. Want to participate? Learn about all the upcoming topics here! During my first pregnancy Dominic and I took Bradley classes. It was the perfect fit for us as first time parents since it […]

Tips for Navigating Co-Managed Prenatal Healthcare

For both of my pregnancies I have opted for co-managed healthcare between a non-hospital birth center and a clinic/hospital that my insurance contracts with. This definitely isn’t the easiest option, but I couldn’t imagine doing it any other way. Co-managed healthcare has allowed me to have immense support from my midwife team while balancing the […]