A Birth Bag Especially for Dad

Joining Julie at A Little Bit of All  of It for her Preparing for Birth Series. This week’s focus is Birth Support. Want to participate? Learn about all the upcoming topics here!

This morning before Dominic left for work he tucked the covers around my shoulders and whispered, “Drink lots of water and do your pelvic rocks today.”

#1 Birth Support – 2010 & 2012

He may not be physically connected to our baby right now, but he is emotionally there. Each day he offers some type of support whether it be an encouraging word, helping with extra chores, or brainstorming baby names. With labor around the corner I’m confident Dominic will shine once again as my star birth support. He was a real trooper during Jemma’s marathon arrival, so in preparation for our little man’s birth, I wanted to share what I plan to pack in his Daddy Birth Bag. My hope is that while I’m laboring away and he is supporting me, he will feel supported too. All great support needs support themselves! Wouldn’t you agree?

Daddy Birth Bag
Many of these items can be easily translated to whomever your birth support is. Just think of who they are and tailor things specifically to them.

  • Copy of birth plan
  • {Charged} phone and copy of phone tree
  • Note of encouragement to open when he needs a boost
  • Snacks – granola bars, Gatorade, nut mix, chips (his favorite)
  • Change/cash for vending machine, restaurant, or cafeteria
  • Toiletries – toothbrush/paste, deodorant, etc.
  • Change of clothes including swim trunks
  • Spare glasses
  • Camera with check-off list of what to take
  • Magazine or book
  • Eye mask, because, yes, sometimes Daddy’s need a quick nap
  • List of last minute things to grab – phone, charger, iPad, etc.
  • Origin’s Peace of Mind spot relief – I love this stuff for me and it never hurts Dad to rub on a dose as well!
Anything missing? 
What else would you add to your support person’s bag?

Hey there, That Dad Dominic! 

Not that I’m necessarily looking forward to the aches and pains of labor, I must say I do feel a sense of relief knowing you’ll be by my side. You proved yourself to be my best friend, prayer warrior, and all around perfect guy during my first labor and I can’t imagine going through such a life-changing event without you. Thank you so much for all you do to support me each day. I can’t wait to welcome our little man into our arms together. Only a few more months, EEK!

Your Bug

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    1. DrMomsie says

      So funny – and I love that picture of your husband all ready to go :) I'm a new follower and can't wait to read more. Check out my blog at drmomsie.com!

    2. says

      I love this idea! Definitely would have been helpful during my hospital birth with my first.