Barbara Harper, the founder of Waterbirth International, has a great explanation of the most frequest waterbirth question I get … What prevents baby from breathing under water? There are four main factors that prevent the baby from inhaling water at the time of birth: Prostaglandin E2 levels from the placenta which cause a slowing down […]
Waterbirth Study in the U.K.
I’ve gotten a handful of questions about the safety of a waterbirth and although I am convinced of the safety I have started researching more about its history and its’ practice in other countries. This article by Michel Odent, MD, (of the United Kingdom) gave a great perspective with gobs of supporting research. Odent wrote, […]
September 23rd
From the beginning I have thought my due date was September 30th. You know, based on my handy dandy ovulation tracking iPhone application. But, based on my LMP, my midwife declared my due date at October 9th. So that’s what we’ve gone with.But, now I’m wondering … well, kind of stressing.There is such a wide […]
Waterbirth Statistics
If this doesn’t affirm my excitement for a waterbirth I don’t know what will!Hip Chick Pregnancy Guide wrote …The following are some interesting statistics about waterbirthing. The women had shorter labors Cervical dilation was more efficient – 2.5 cm/hour compared with 1.25cm/hour for mothers who did not take advantage of water during their labors The […]
A Midwife’s Perspective: Labor and Birth in the Water
I thoroughly enjoyed this narrative by Jill Cohen, a midwife from the Pacific Northwest. I loved this part of her reflection … For me, the rewards of using water in labor and birth is summed up in that magic sound of relief in a woman’s moan as she enters the warm water, and the magic […]
Bradley Birth Class
Last week we started our Bradley Method birth class. For quite some time I debated between taking a class and not taking a class. In the end, (being the educational nut I am) I decided a class was worth our time. Fit Pregnancy recently posted an article titled, Cutting Class. Seems I am in the […]
Pregnant Gals – add to your “to-buy” list

I keep reading how relaxation is key to a natural birth.You know, eliminate the high pitch shrieks when the contractions are about ready to kill me. No tightening up. Positive thinking. All that crap that I’ll probably through out the window as I scream bloody murder and yell every explitive I’ve ever heard …Sidenote – […]
Permission to Mother
For women of sensibility, this book will take you where you are in your journey of motherhood and give you a different way of looking at your unique circumstances. It will renew in you a sense of hope and wonder as you mother your children. -Bernadette Clark, RN, CD (DONA) I stumbled across Permission to […]
Why do Mondays have to have such an awful Monday feeling?
You know those days that totally suck. Mondays are pretty frequently those days for me. I think it is a combination of weekend withdrawls and lack of motivation for anything work related. WEEKEND WITHDRAWLS Weekends are great. No one tells you what to do. You can sleep whenever you want. You plan your own schedule. […]
Design Mom & The Perfect Birth Plan
Between my infatuation with childbirth, babies and craft projects I have literally fallen in love with Design Mom. I read her everyday. Usually during a quick break at work when I need an upbeat refresher. Her family is adorable (she has 6 kiddos), her crafts are lovely, and some days I kind of wish we […]
More for the playlist …
Sunday Best – Augustana Just Say Yes – Snow Patrol Carolina – Matt Wertz