Ignore my pajamas. I’m too excited to care. I HAVE AN UPPABABY STROLLER! I AM OFFICIALLY AN UPPABABY MAMA!!!
finding beauty, confidence, and rest in motherhood
Between my infatuation with childbirth, babies and craft projects I have literally fallen in love with Design Mom. I read her everyday. Usually during a quick break at work when I need an upbeat refresher. Her family is adorable (she has 6 kiddos), her crafts are lovely, and some days I kind of wish we […]
Sunday Best – Augustana Just Say Yes – Snow Patrol Carolina – Matt Wertz
I met with Lucina yesterday for my monthly appointment. It went smooth as butter … baby is growing, I’m healthy, and we’re gearing up for the next milestone – OUR ULTRASOUND! Highlights of my appointment: I was scolded for wearing such high heels … they were just wedges, but I was encouraged to make the […]
See the orange and purple “ExpectNet.com” button to the right?You should click it … you can enter your guess on boy/girl, birthday, weight, height, and birth time. After the birth you just might be announced the winner! How cool would that be?
Ok, that might be going a bit far, but in the very least the stuff related to having a baby is simple. For a good part of my childhood I believed I was born in the wrong century. I truly thought I was meant to be a pioneer. I lived in the woods and had […]
I’m becoming quite forgetful. I have resorted to e-mailing myself reminders … Oh my!
Little reality check here … I’M GOING TO BE A MOM!!! Nothing like trying to grasp my pending motherhood. Today was one of the days that helped to piece it all together. I was told “Happy Mother’s Day” over and over and I’m sure I responded with some puzzled looks. Then I realized, wow, they […]