Ok, that might be going a bit far, but in the very least the stuff related to having a baby is simple.
For a good part of my childhood I believed I was born in the wrong century. I truly thought I was meant to be a pioneer. I lived in the woods and had a gravel driveway. I read Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie, and all the American Girl books. I hated wearing pants (dresses, pantaloons, aprons, and crinolines were the only way to go), and I had a sun bonnet. I walked the forest trail from my house to Grammy’s farm house everyday. And my name is Gretchen, so naturally, I didn’t fit in with the normal-named kids of the early 1990’s.
When I was in 5th grade my friend Sarah and I did a report on the Oregon Trail. To complete our project we convinced my dad to turn our red flyer wagon into a Conastoga wagon for a presentation prop. Our American Girl dolls drove and we packed the wagon with all of the Oregon Trail necessities so we could explain to our class our you pack everything you own and all the supplies you need for a cross country journey … in the dead of winter.
All that to say, the gadgets and gizmos of today seem a bit foreign to me. When you can call Doc to help deliver the baby and breastfeed for $0 a month what more do you need? If Pa builds a cradle in time for the birth aren’t you set to welcome the little one? I get that we’ve progressed a bit beyond this, but still, have you seen some of the things Babies R Us recommends as a necessity?
Yahoo! confirmed my old-fashioned view on what it takes to gear up for a baby with their article Baby Gear: The Only 5 Items You Need. It seems a carseat, crib, stroller, bouncie seat, and bottles will get you through the first few months just fine. Throughout the registry process I’ve realized that mamas-to-be are quite the marketing demographic. We’re made to feel that survival depends on building the perfect registry. If we don’t follow the guidelines we might be be stranded without a necessity and worst of all, a clueless husband. Seriously folks, women have been caring for babies for many moons; usually with the help/support of their capable husband. The pioneers did it as they crossed the mountains and they didn’t have the convenience of running to Target if they needed something. I’ve got that convenience, and I’ve got a very clue-filled husband. I’m pretty sure I’m going to survive.
What do you consider the top 5 baby necessities (gear-wise; not including diapers and clothes)? I need to add them to my registry so comment with your wisdom :)
Having a baby is simple …
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Car seat (duh), Baby Carrier of some sort (sling, Ergo, wrap), a good swaddle blanket, Soothie Pacifier, Baby Brain iPhone app. The swaddle blanket and Soothie is key to complete the Dr. Karp's 5 Ss, The Baby Brain app is a life saver because believe me you will be a bit tired and may not remember when the last time the baby ate, had a diaper change, which side you last nursed on etc. I kept that thing close at hand
I agree completely with this post. My necessities list might change after Sylvie arrives, but for now it's a place for her to sleep (we got a crib and registered for a co-sleeper for the first 6-8 weeks), a good breast pump (I want to keep feeding her breast milk exclusively after I return to work), a baby carrier (a moby wrap for me and a baby bjorn for the hubs), lots and lots of books, and a few bottles so Trav can bond through feeding, too.
Oh, and I didn't put a car seat on my list, but that goes with saying. :)
1. A really good ta-ta pump! After hours of research and now having used it, I highly recommend the Medela pump-in-style. You can buy it barely used half-priced on Craigslist and replace the suction cups, etc.2. Aden + Anais swaddlers. They are big, light-weight and a lifesaver.3. We are definitely minimalists, but went ahead and got a swing and she loves it! Its what she takes her mid-morning nap in now.4. Ergos baby carrier5. California Baby products; chem free and they make a Anything Rash cream that cleared her baby acne and eczema up. And the most important is a lot of Patience and Love!!!
Well, here's my two bits: I consider accessories to be a necessity. Here's why; when you're 4 weeks into the game and you still are getting no sleep, baby is up every 2-3 hrs and you're starting to loose that "OH GOODIE, I get to be with you again!" kind of feeling? The only thing that gets me through the night is thinking, I have tights, legwarmers, pants with ruffled bottoms, hair-bows, and a large shoe collection to paw through tomorrow morning when we play dress-up. And if I didn't have the serenity of such a thing…who knows what kind of monster I'd become.
When baby is a little older….change the kitchen cupboards around so the plactic-wear and pots are on the bottom. Your little one will keep themselves entertained for a long time…you'll wonder why you bought toys:)
Though it might be hard to find at the store, a little dose of sanity is a good thing to remember on your list. I have found that a pedicure every now and then is a good replacement for pure sanity. The baby swing and sling were lifesavers!
We got everything and didn't use half of it. The crib got used twice. Guthrie hated the bouncy seat past the first 2 weeks- although Laithe thinks it's pretty cool. So, here's my list. Carseat, sling, best breast pump you can afford & bottles (totally counts as 1), a clothesline – because sun gets breastmilk poop stains out like nothing else will. seriously, and some place to put the baby – either a swing or bouncy or whatever, that's not their bed. The thing is you'll probably have to wait and see what baby prefers for that one, but that's what craigslist is for right? and i agree with everyone above about swaddling- although we just used blankets that i made to be a bit bigger than regular receiving blankets. swaddling is the bomb.and my one little luxury this time around has been a cloth wipes warmer. sounds totally frivolous, but i so wish i would have had one last time. funny thing is that i would never think to get a disposable wipes warmer.
It's so funny because I used so much stuff with Zoe, a little less with Teagan, and even less with Harper! My favorites: a bouncy chair or swing, Medela breast pump (looking to sell it now!), Soothie pacifiers/bottles, sling/wrap, Boppie pillow (I still use mine!!), and the big splurge is the BOB jogging stroller (we have a single and double and they are worth EVERY penny!! My single is 6 yrs old and still looks brand new and is on it's 3rd kid!!!)
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