Day #6 – The Bigger Picture

Only 25 days to go! Is that really possible? This morning as our alarms went off Dominic rolled over and said, “Soon our alarm will be a baby and we won’t have to listen to these crazy alarm songs.” OMG, he’s right! It is really easy to get tied up in all the little things when […]

Day #4 – Naptime

I adore the weekends for one particular reason … naptime. I’ve always loved naps, but truly, WHO HAS THE TIME? But, in an effort to slow down and physically/mentally prepare for baby I have tried to incorporate a few here and there. This Saturday and Sunday were prime examples. Both days I stopped the madness […]

The Webster Technique: Pregnancy Chiropractic

I started seeing a chiropractor 3 weeks ago. I was pretty sure I was having sciatic nerve pain (no fun) and thought a chiro might be my best route in adjusting to my bigger pregnant self. I was absolutely right! There is no doubt I am bigger and the bump is more uncomfortable to move around, […]

Baby Gear, My oh my

I’ve tried to be a minimalist with baby “stuff”. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m doing a very good job :( In the beginning I had planned to just get a large purse for my and baby’s things. But seeing how full my own purse gets I can’t imagine fitting in baby’s things too. So, yes, […]

New Name …

Dominic and I were near the State Capitol today for some of our maternity photo shoot. While there we passed by the Korean War Memorial. As with any list of names (movie credits, authors, event programs, etc.) I told Dominic, “Look for boy name options.” So he did. He scrolled the names of those we […]