New Name …

Dominic and I were near the State Capitol today for some of our maternity photo shoot. While there we passed by the Korean War Memorial. As with any list of names (movie credits, authors, event programs, etc.) I told Dominic, “Look for boy name options.” So he did. He scrolled the names of those we served our country – hunting for a new boy name.

Sure enough he found one!


AND we both like it!

That makes our top three for a boy (in no particular order):

I still adore Wilder and he is still rooting for Peyton, but I think we have both come to grips that our favorites will not win and we’ll have to compromise on one of the above if our little one turns out to be a boy.

Girl names are still:

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  1. says

    What a great way to look for new names.I personally like Leland a LOT. And it looks like Reid has situated itself into the #1 spot on our boys' name list… my husband just remembered that his cousin has a baby named Oliver. So obviously I like that one.As for the girl names, I ADORE Elsa. :)

  2. says

    I love all your names!! I think I like Rocco & Elsa the most, but really they're all pretty awesome!