Ruffle Butt

I have a little stash of Target gift cards which are burning a hole in my pocket. I desperately want to go crazy getting cute and necessary baby items from our registry. But, alas, I’m trying to hold off. Primary for these pink ruffle butt diapers. If I don’t have a girl these could haunt […]

32 Week Update

Here it is … half way through another week and I’m just getting around to this handy pregnancy survey. Where does the time go? How far along? 32 weeks, 3 daysBaby’s Size: 3.75 pounds and 16.7 inches long is average for this week … think large jicama, yep, my baby is a jicama :)Total Weight […]

Will I be a hyno-mama?

I started listening to the CD that came with the Hypnobirthing book I purchased awhile back. I’ll admit … it is very relaxing. So much so I drifted off to sleep in the bathtub while I was walking in to my “peace sanctuary”. Not sure if it will do the trick in labor, I tend […]


Have you heard of MealBaby? One of my good friends just had a baby girl and I was invited to bring her a meal through this genius website. Here is the scoop: Are you or someone you know having a baby? Is someone you know recovering from surgery? Are you just a really nice person […]

Gretchen & Baby

As promised, my mom and I had a min-photo shoot this past weekend to document the 30 week milestone. I feel like we’ve moved into a new decade! Can you believe there are only 10-ish weeks left until you get to see my baby’s smiling face?!?!? {photo credit} My amazing mother {outfit credit} Summer Tank […]