Meet Bruce

My family just finished building a house and my soon-to-be 18 year old sis, Hannah, has been doing alot of sorting. Sorting that includes deciding which childhood memories are worth keeping, what should be passed on, and what should join the mega garage sale we are planning for July. This weekend she found a tub […]


Registries are hard. It is difficult to decipher what is actually necessary and what is just marketed to first-time mamas to put us in a panic (and spend hundreds of otherwise, college fund dollars). I’m leaning towards more simplistic things. I like wood toys and board books; I would prefer to play classical music instead […]

Birthing Classes

Ok mamas out there … What type of birthing class did you take? What was your experience like? Was it worth it? We are in the midst of trying to decide which, if any, birthing class we should take. Dominic wants to be pretty involved so I am leaning towards taking something so we can […]

I See

My vision insurance has renewed and I’m now on the hunt for the perfect pair of glasses. I’ve decided to go with glasses instead of my normal contact, because with a baby I figure I’m going to be up at night and napping during the day. That’s my pre-mama thought at least. Plus, I get […]


A few weeks ago I decided to join Top Baby Blogs. It’s a directory of blogs all about babies written by moms and the occasional dad. Signing up is free and once you join you get a banner (see above) you are able to display on your blog. When readers (AKA Y-O-U) visit That Mama […]

Copycat Gretchen

Good ideas are rare. Even more, they rarely come out of no where. Mine usually come from another blog or magazine article. That’s right, Dominic … those gourmet recipes I whip up, I didn’t turn into Martha Stewart overnight … so don’t be fooled. I copied them. I copied the Martha Stewarts out there and […]

Whistle While You Work

We’re still in the process of moving. This weekend we’ll be visiting a potential home and I’m looking forward to checking it out. Cross your fingers this is the one! If so, we could move as early as May 22nd.In the meantime, we’ve had realtors and potentials buyers in and out of our current rental […]