Doctor-midwife tensions run deep

This morning, Joe Rojas-Burke of The Oregonian released an article titled Doctor-midwife tensions run deep. He summarized the recent class action lawsuit to “cease intimidation and threats against midwives” between Oregon midwives and Oregon Health & Science University.Midwives say doctors and nurses at OHSU have filed baseless complaints to the licensing agency meant to thwart […]

Final Votes

Our baby name poll was great success … thanks for all of your input! If baby was born today and naming was up to our trusty blog readers it looks like we would have a …. Jemma or Miles Official Stats for Girl Names Tallulah (Lula) 25 (26%) Elsa 16 (16%) Jemma 33 (34%) Belle […]

Leaving Well Alone

Sarah Buckley who authored Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering also wrote a great article about the third stage of labor. You can read the entire article here.It is a pretty “medical” article, but she covers vital information like complications that interventions create, hormones during labor and the role of the umbilical cord and its’ blood. It’s […]


Swistle. It rhymes with thistle. AND … it is my favorite site to peruse baby names!Parents across the country can submit their name dilemma on Swistle. Need a boy name by August? Need to it flow with your last name? Don’t want it to end in ‘O’? Swistle is the place to be!We submitted our […]

Underwater Baby

Barbara Harper, the founder of Waterbirth International, has a great explanation of the most frequest waterbirth question I get … What prevents baby from breathing under water? There are four main factors that prevent the baby from inhaling water at the time of birth: Prostaglandin E2 levels from the placenta which cause a slowing down […]

Mama Wisdom – Teething

The Andaluz group has done it again! Great ideas on how to cope with teething … Mama’s fingers Teethers Frozen washcloths Large carrots Sophie the Giraffe Amber teething necklace Hyland’s teething tablets and gels Bach’s Rescue Remedy Other notes … Don’t use Orajel. It actually toughens the gums making teething last longer and more painful […]

Waterbirth Study in the U.K.

I’ve gotten a handful of questions about the safety of a waterbirth and although I am convinced of the safety I have started researching more about its history and its’ practice in other countries. This article by Michel Odent, MD, (of the United Kingdom) gave a great perspective with gobs of supporting research. Odent wrote, […]

Melancholy Prioritizing

With only 10 weeks to go I’ve realized that my reading list needs to be cut down. The reading stack has continued to grow and as much as I want to be a book worm a thing called life has limited my time. So, I’ve got 4 left that I am considering “must reads” … […]

Boy and Girl Name Poll

So many things to vote on these days!Elections — my voter pamphlet just came in the mail — don’t forget to do this every day so I can keep meeting blog friends :) But the most important is the one on the right — the infamous BOY and GIRL NAME POLL. Place your vote.Don’t be […]