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  1. says

    This is a lot of pressure to put on me. I like more then one name! What's a girl to do?!

  2. says

    Stopping by from FMBT! What an adorable blog. Congratulations on the impending bundle of joy. Your journey is just beginning, my friend. Happy soon-to-be Mothering!Debi

  3. Anonymous says

    Jenna has been it forever gotta go with that. Tallulah makes me think a 300 pound gorilla…don't know why. Rocco is straight BA!! however, if Anthony is an option I think u should just go with Anton…great name and goes with Bossio well

  4. says

    I am your newest follower!! I look forward to reading more of your blog! I would love for you to stop by my blog!Have a Terrific Tuesday!!~Shanna

  5. says

    Anton – I am pretty sure that is you. You are such a stinker commenting anonymously!It's Jemma with "M"'s … don't forget.If it turns out Tallulah I am going to remind her that her loving uncle thinks of her as a gorilla. Better than a LJ though, right?Dom says we will name a child Anton if you ever die. So let's hope we never have a child named Anton. That would be no bueno.Thanks for the afternoon laughs :)-SIL

  6. says

    Didn't "LIAM" make the list?

  7. says

    Love Tallulah, but voted Belle, cause I have a Chloe Belle, although Belle isn't technically her middle name. I think you're settled on Jemma, right? It's pretty too.I love all the boy names, truly!

  8. says

    I had to vote for Peyton because that's my little guys name :)Found you on Blog Hop and you have a new follower!