When I’m Sleepy

Over the last few weeks Dominic has been reading When I’m Sleepy to our baby/my tummy before bed. It’s super sweet and completely melts my heart. He then closes off with a simple, profound prayer before turning off the lights.My baby and I are blessed to have a daddy/husband like him. We love you, Dominic!

Down the runway … of life

Here is top number two of the Moody Mama spoils … … and to all the pregnant mamas out there you MUST get the pants I am wearing. They are Jolt Jeggings from Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale. They aren’t maternity (can be found in the BP Juniors section), but they have an elastic waist and are […]

September 23rd

From the beginning I have thought my due date was September 30th. You know, based on my handy dandy ovulation tracking iPhone application. But, based on my LMP, my midwife declared my due date at October 9th. So that’s what we’ve gone with.But, now I’m wondering … well, kind of stressing.There is such a wide […]

7 months {28 weeks}

The camera charger is lost, so this month we had to go with an iPhone snapshot … so much for symmetry in my whole month by month project. Oh well, part of being a mom I guess. Perfection is gone forever :)

Third Trimester Reality Check

Heaven’s to Betsy … we are in the third trimester! Yes, this is how the words “third trimester” make me feel. Here’s a little summary of what we’ve been up to: How far along? 28 weeks, 4 days How big is baby? 2 1/2 pounds (ish) Weight gain? Depending on the day, what I have […]

Feelin’ Moody on This Monday

Remember when I won the Moody Mama giveaway? The spoils have arrived! This is top number one. I added the skinny belt. Skinny belts are my new favorite thing. They make me feel like I still have a waist. Even though I don’t. Keep you eye out for top number two. It’s pink and plaid […]

Waterbirth Statistics

If this doesn’t affirm my excitement for a waterbirth I don’t know what will!Hip Chick Pregnancy Guide wrote …The following are some interesting statistics about waterbirthing. The women had shorter labors Cervical dilation was more efficient – 2.5 cm/hour compared with 1.25cm/hour for mothers who did not take advantage of water during their labors The […]

Blueberries for Baby … Next Year

We woke up this morning with grand plans to visit a u-pick blueberry farm. I wanted to get a batch to eat and a batch to freeze. So, I dressed in my sweetest blueberry outfit and off we went! Only to find out that our blueberry farm was “Closed for Ripening”. So, our trip has […]

Shop-a-holic on Pause

I’m feeling a bit uneasy about splurging on third trimester maternity wear … I mean, I have less than 15 weeks to go. It seems more fun to save that money and buy skinny mama clothes post pregnancy pounds, right? Still, I can’t help but browse the maternity options out there. Thank you Nordstrom, Ann […]

Cravings go downhill …

For the majority of my pregnancy I have craved healthy foods … yogurt, fruit, milk and salads. But things have taken a turn for the worse. Today, all I can think about are: Maple bars, baked potato skins and Cheetos … OH MY! And of course, these cravings are coming as I stand on the […]

We’ll find a name baby, don’t worry

I’m not having any luck convincing Dominic of the name Wilder Dean. So, I’m trying to dream up some new options … Today, I thought of Tad Valentine. Valentine was my grandpa’s middle name and I thought Tad would fulfill Dominic’s name requirement of “sounds good over a P.A. system”. Au contrare. He thought it […]