Mama Wisdom – Teething

The Andaluz group has done it again! Great ideas on how to cope with teething …

  • Mama’s fingers
  • Teethers
  • Frozen washcloths
  • Large carrots
  • Sophie the Giraffe
  • Amber teething necklace
  • Hyland’s teething tablets and gels
  • Bach’s Rescue Remedy
Other notes …
  • Don’t use Orajel. It actually toughens the gums making teething last longer and more painful in the long run (even though it provides momentary relief).
  • Keep in mind teeth have to move up the gums and through nerves. So there will be times of insane teething signs and then periods of nothing. It can happen quickly or drag on for many months.
Any other insights on teething? What have you done to help minimize this … uh … inevitable baby issue?
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  1. says

    Infant Tylenol (at least the target brand that didn't get recalled) is a life saver for us. I also like to give him a little gripe water. When he was little I also let him suck on a wet wash cloth that I ran under cold water. Bishop just got all 4 molars at the same time!!! Yikes. Then we just notice a tooth coming in that they don't typically get until 2 years! Good times at the Fleming house the last few months. !

  2. says

    All of our teething experiences have been two at a time. The Hyland's teething tablets are wonderful. As well as, a teething ring.

  3. says

    Lots of TLC, and Motrin for night times. We never used orajel, and the hylands tablets seemed to work for a little while. Chloeloved her Sophie and used a vibra-teether a little bit too. Teething is hard on the whole family!