Tips for Navigating Co-Managed Prenatal Healthcare

For both of my pregnancies I have opted for co-managed healthcare between a non-hospital birth center and a clinic/hospital that my insurance contracts with. This definitely isn’t the easiest option, but I couldn’t imagine doing it any other way. Co-managed healthcare has allowed me to have immense support from my midwife team while balancing the […]

22 Weeks

HAPPY EASTER! We celebrated last night with a lovely dinner and church with Dominic’s parents. Today we’re driving to the property to mark trees that will need to fall. I’ll be sure to share more property pictures and Jemma in her freakin’ adorable Easter dress soon. In the meantime, here I am at 22 weeks […]

20 Weeks

Ah! Can you believe I’m adding a baby boy to my brood! I really didn’t have a good guess if this baby was a boy or girl – my pregnancy has been practically the same. Only difference has been preggo acne (boo!!!) and I was nauseous a little bit longer than I was Jem. At […]

Top Contenders

With our gender reveal announcement mere days away I’ve started mulling over names again. I really haven’t put much effort into names this pregnancy since we decided pretty early on that we wanted to find out our baby’s gender. Names are such a battle with Dominic that I didn’t want to waste my time on […]

Style File: High School Vintage

This is my most favorite belly picture so far! It was at 15 weeks (and I’m 18 weeks tomorrow, eek!) and the first time I really felt pregnant instead of just pudgy :) MOMS GROUP – top, wet seal | jean jacket, 110 yr old gap | jeggings, lauren conrad from kohls | boots, vintage […]

16 Weeks

This is real life. Messy kitchen – no one to take pictures – pajamas. But we are safe, happy, healthy, and at home. Those things are all wonderful. How big is baby? As big as an avocado – must be why we are having Mexican for dinner :) Weight gain/loss? I’m up about 3-5 pounds, […]