A little man is on his way to our family and we couldn’t be happier!
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Cograts!! I had literally checked the blog 10 min ago and didn't see any news.. So happy for you guys. A perfect balance!
yay yay yay!! So excited!! :) If you need boy stuff I have plenty!! :)
How exciting! When do we find out his name?
Probably not until he is born. I'll keep tossing out ideas, but Dominic likes to see the baby before landing on a name :)
Would love to send you a couple snapless fitteds and some wool wraps if you are interested?!?!? Or whatever the season will call for as far as wool goes. Please e-mail me if you are interested mama. :)glowinggnome(at)gmail(dot)com
For free… Just wanted to clarify. :)
Woohoooo – a huge congrats to you all! How exciting – can't wait to see what name you decide on! Hip hip hooray for little boys :)
Yayyyy! So happy for you. Cute announcement picture, btw. Super cute!
Congrats!!! (:
congrats!!! boys are so much fun! :)
I just knew it! With all of the anticipation, I knew this sweet baby had to be a BOY! Boy oh boy, you will LOVE having a boy. They are busy and silly, flirty and cuddly, tooty and smelly and so much fun!! Jemma will be such a great big sister to a little brother. I'm so happy for you guys! I'm sure you'll let us know when you decide his name. :) xoxo
So happy for you! Boys are fabulous! They love their momma's like nobodies business! :)
CONGRATS! Boys are so much fun!
So breakfast on Saturday must have been blueberry based. :) So excited for you guys as you add baby #2.
Congrats! So happy for you guys!! Love the picture!
Congratulations! As a (biased) mama to two boys I can honestly say that little boys are so much fun :)
Brady is like SO EXCITED> We've been talking an awful lot about it and he's pretty pumped.
Yay! Congrats mama!
congrats! boys are so much fun!!
So exciting!!
Emailing you now :)