A little man is on his way to our family and we couldn’t be happier!
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Kristin says
Bianca Tarleton says
Cograts!! I had literally checked the blog 10 min ago and didn't see any news.. So happy for you guys. A perfect balance!
Megan Boucher says
yay yay yay!! So excited!! :) If you need boy stuff I have plenty!! :)
Rin says
How exciting! When do we find out his name?
ThatMamaGretchen says
Probably not until he is born. I'll keep tossing out ideas, but Dominic likes to see the baby before landing on a name :)
Ashley K says
Would love to send you a couple snapless fitteds and some wool wraps if you are interested?!?!? Or whatever the season will call for as far as wool goes. Please e-mail me if you are interested mama. :)glowinggnome(at)gmail(dot)com
Ashley K says
For free… Just wanted to clarify. :)
Dearlola says
Woohoooo – a huge congrats to you all! How exciting – can't wait to see what name you decide on! Hip hip hooray for little boys :)
Amy Willa says
Yayyyy! So happy for you. Cute announcement picture, btw. Super cute!
Elisha(: says
Congrats!!! (:
Briana says
Deanna Fike says
congrats!!! boys are so much fun! :)
Jenny says
I just knew it! With all of the anticipation, I knew this sweet baby had to be a BOY! Boy oh boy, you will LOVE having a boy. They are busy and silly, flirty and cuddly, tooty and smelly and so much fun!! Jemma will be such a great big sister to a little brother. I'm so happy for you guys! I'm sure you'll let us know when you decide his name. :) xoxo
libbyuglesich says
So happy for you! Boys are fabulous! They love their momma's like nobodies business! :)
Cari Terbush says
CONGRATS! Boys are so much fun!
Anna Heath says
So breakfast on Saturday must have been blueberry based. :) So excited for you guys as you add baby #2.
Ktsberg says
Congrats! So happy for you guys!! Love the picture!
Jeni says
Congratulations! As a (biased) mama to two boys I can honestly say that little boys are so much fun :)
Leah Workman says
Brady is like SO EXCITED> We've been talking an awful lot about it and he's pretty pumped.
Sara Stofferahn says
Yay! Congrats mama!
MJ says
congrats! boys are so much fun!!
Sara says
So exciting!!
ThatMamaGretchen says
Emailing you now :)