P.S. Birth Story Extras

As I mentioned, my birth experience wasn’t what I planned. I had hoped for a calm waterbirth at our birthing center. Instead, Jemma was born under glaring lights in a stark white hospital room. Of course, what’s most important is we were both safe throughout our 3 days of labor. But still, I mourn a […]

Jemma’s Birth Story

My birth story took me the last 5 weeks to write. “Why?” you ask. Well, for one, Jemma’s birth was 40 hours long. 40 hours is not easily summarized in a few paragraphs. Two, I have a beautiful, bouncing baby in my arms most of the day. Three, said baby makes it difficult to type […]

We never call her Jemma …

Our dear girl has so many nicknames. I wonder if she even knows her true name is Jemma! On any given day you might hear us calling her … Lovie – my favorite Sweetness Happiness Jemma Bird – Daddy’s favorite J Baby J Girl Jembo – I hate this, it sounds like Jumbo and I […]