Thank you to ZzzQuil for sponsoring this post on what keeps me from having the best night sleep ever. Click here to save $2.00 on ZzzQuil. Pregnancy sleep is a fickle thing. Today at my midwife appointment my number one complaint was lack of sleep. Many days I opt to nap with Jemma for 2 […]
12 Fantastic Parenting Resource on Facebook
This is gonna be short and sweet. Pretty much, I gather a ton of parenting resources and wisdom from mamas all over the interweb. Facebook is one such place and these are some of my favorite pages to follow. They are more than just pages though – they are little communities where you can chat […]
5 Must Read Pregnancy Books
During my first pregnancy I read and read and read. There was so much to learn and absorb before Jem was born. I got many recommendations, but when it all boils down these 5 books are my top, ultimate must-reads. If you are expecting or your pregnant mama friends are looking for a quality read […]
{GUEST POST} Sadie Dear from Brambles & Honey: A Birth Story
Style File | I Weeble Wobble, But I Don’t Fall Down & 32 Week Update

CHURCH SHOPPING – regular lady dress morphed into pregnancy tunic, target | be maternity leggings, garage sale score originally from target | dolce vita wedges, target This week was round 2 of church shopping. We have quite a few on our list to still check out before we land on a new church home. It’s […]
Hypnobabies | Week 1 | Buffalo of Peace
Learning to Create Positive ChildbirthOne of my biggest take aways from this week was the power of words. Words are amazing. They can convey beauty, hurt, pain; they are one of our greatest tools in sharing emotion. Many words associated with birth have negative associations and Hypnobabies hits the nail on the head when they […]
Why We Will Be Waiving the Hepatitis B Vaccine
source Joining Julia at A Little Bit of All of It for her Preparing for Birth Series. This week’s focus is New Baby Care. Want to participate? Learn about all the upcoming topics here! As soon as most American babies are earth side they are poked with their first vaccination – Hepatitis B in accordance […]
Reflections on Jemma’s Birth, 20 Months Later

Welcome to the June 2012 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Embracing Your Birth Experience This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have written about at least one part of their birth experience that they can hold up and […]
Bind That Blog Like a Book
Our Wishes for Childbirth
I can’t stress enough how much my perspective of birth plans has evolved between my two pregnancies. I still believe they are important and helpful, but ultimately my main wish is that both mama and baby are healthy when all is said and done. It doesn’t take a whole lot of words to convey that. […]
What’s Missing on Your Baby Registry?
source When I wander through the aisles of Target and Babies ‘R Us I can’t help but catch the registry bug. Everything is so small and cute and … sometimes impractical. Of course, everything has its’ purpose, but what do I really need? Not 10 rattles or 50 newborn onesies … that’s for sure.As I […]
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