Black Bean Salsa

Earlier this summer Olivia from Soul Singing Liv asked me to share a summer themed post while her family vacationed in Arizona. I was tickled to pass on this fabulous recipe. It is seriously one of the best and I pretty much consider it a crime if it isn’t at every summer BBQ/picnic/potluck.  – – […]


Mister Max is already 2 weeks old … really almost 3 … and I’m just now pulling together some Instapics from his first week. Guess that goes to show how busy things are with two little ones. Hardly any time for blogging, let alone time with two hands free! Things have been hard and wonderful […]

Meet That Mama | Kaity from As We Grow

Reading Kaity’s blog makes me thrilled to have a little man – her boys are the cutest and I learn so much from her natural and toddler fun posts! I’m also a big fan of mamas who organize and share their cloth diaper experience. Help welcome Kaity today by visiting her on Facebook, Twitter, and […]

Our $5,000 Wedding

This spring I participated in Kari’s Koupons‘ Weddings on a Dime feature. Seeing that today is Dominic and I’s 5 year anniversary (WOOHOO!), I thought it would be fitting to share the scoop on our frugal wedding! Hope you enjoy! HOW WE MET …  Dominic and I met while attending Warner Pacific College in Portland, […]

Montessori for 1 Year Olds

During my nursing hours I’ve been delving more and more into the wonders of Montessori education. I’ve slowly but surely been adding elements of Montessori into our daily lives, but I’m brimming with new ideas to implement soon! Many of the things I’ve tried have revolved around this statement from Maria Montessori:  “Never help a […]

{GUEST POST} Keri-Anne’s Bird & Bunting Tree

Today, Keri-Anne from i was the sea is sharing a fabulous DIY. She has such a whimsical style to both her DIYs and motherhood. I adore seeing her gorgeous photos and peeks of her sweet girls, Elle and Mia. After you swoon over the bird and bunting tree project she has shared below you’ll need […]

Ready for a Time Saver? Meet Ubokia!

I’ve recently stumbled across a gem. It’s pretty much every busy mom’s dream and seeing that I’m feeling compelled to change my blog name to That Busy Mama Gretchen, you can understand that this is a match made in heaven! I’m talking about Ubokia. What is that you ask? Well, let me introduce you … […]

Take It Easy — 5 Things You Need After Birth

  When I wrote this post for Margot’s blog, Newfoundlander at Heart, she was about ready to have her first baby! Now her little Wendel is here as well as my Max!   Since Jemma was born I’ve become more and more of a believe in the 4th trimester. Have you heard of it? The […]

Big Sister Jemma

Big Sister Jemma tee c/o Zoey’s Attic, use code THATMAMA for 15% off your order! Just a few hours before Max was born I sat down to write a short post. I wanted to remember the sweet moments of Jemma preparing to become a big sister. Little did I know that Max would be in […]

Baby Shower Memory Game

Leah planned the best game for my baby shower back in June – everyone loved it and the prizes were genius! Pretty much, it was a basic game of memory in group fashion. All the cards were labeled with pregnancy/birth terms and there were coordinating candy prizes. Here’s the list … Twins – Mike & […]