Ready for a Time Saver? Meet Ubokia!

I’ve recently stumbled across a gem. It’s pretty much every busy mom’s dream and seeing that I’m feeling compelled to change my blog name to That Busy Mama Gretchen, you can understand that this is a match made in heaven!

I’m talking about Ubokia.

What is that you ask? Well, let me introduce you …

Ubokia is one of the Internet’s fastest growing Social Commerce communities.  Think of it as a mini-Craigslist – but way cooler – just for That Mama Gretchen readers. The added benefit of this is security and trust. That Mama Gretchen readers can now buy and sell with other like-minded people without the hassle of dealing with spammers and scammers.
Sounds pretty awesome, huh?
So, if you’re on the look out for cloth diapers or a babywearing wrap or decor for your little one’s nursery – Ubokia is the place to be. Even better … if you have something to sell, you’re in luck too! Postings wants and for sale offers is super simple. Take a peek below and just click JOIN to get started!

Other features of Ubokia …

  • With uTrust, Ubokia is the safest way to buy online.
  • Buying through a blog marketplace means you are connecting with other like-minded people – making it easier to find what you want and in general your interactions are more pleasant than something like Craigslist.
  • Ubokia is easier for buyers because all they have to do is post a want and let sellers come to them. No more searching!
  • Ubokia is easier for sellers because they don’t have to wait to potential buyers to view their products. They can immediately connect with buyers. 
Yep, Ubokia is the place for busy mamas to be! Why not join along with me in this amazing marketplace? It’s free, so don’t think twice! 
If 100 That Mama Gretchen readers join Ubokia I get a little incentive, so to encourage you to join I’m going to give away one of my homemade circle scarves from Prairie Pretty when I hit the 100 mark! 

I was compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.
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