Meet That Mama | Trina from Look at the Birds

Trina is pretty stinkin’ fabulous. She makes me laugh on the regular and feel like a normal mama; like I’m not alone in the craziness of motherhood. I’m sure you’ll adore her too!   hey- i’m trina & i’m the genius behind lookatthebirds & by genius i mean, really good at Googling things & then […]

Road Trippin’ with Babies and Toddlers

A 2 hour snooze sure makes the miles fly by! Traveling with little ones, no doubt, takes a bountiful supply of grace and patience. We’ve had our fair share of travels by plane, train, and automobile with Jemma in tow … starting with a train trip at 3 weeks old, a plane at 1 year, […]

Thrifty Love Gift Exchange

I recently participated in the Thrifty Love Gift Exchange with a bunch of fellow bloggers and I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome! Not only did I get to swap some thrifty treasures, I made a new friend … Alysa of Inspired RD! Alysa is truly an inspirational mama, definitely take a peek at […]

39 Weeks

Here I am in all my 39 week glory. My mama said I look like a 1970’s hippie lady – all peaceful in the grass. I guess I could buy it, except for the background cars giving away the 2012 reality. Oh, and the fact that I’m wearing a bra. Oh, Brother … Mama seriously […]

Jemma Jones

Last Spring Jemma’s Aunt Kiki submitted a photo of Jemma to Jones Soda. Having a photo chosen for Jones Soda has been one of those to-dos on her bucket list. Along with skydiving, visiting all 7 continents (and yes, she already has Antarctica covered), and a mass of other crazy things. Around May we received […]

22 Months

Sweet Jem … Not long ago I remember thinking, “Sissy, you are going to be such a big girl when you’re 22 months! You’ll become a big sister, be talking up a storm, and still be my most favorite girlie in the world!” And it’s all true :)  Although I’ve been super tired and a […]

Hypnobabies | Week 4 & 5 | It’s Go Time

Oh tears … I just lost my entire week 4 post with a little internet cut/paste hiccup :( Normally I would re-type it, but today Jemma and I are just bumming around trying to survive the final weeks of pregnancy and dare I say the beginning of some 2-year-old woes. For example, girlfriend just hopped […]

Let the Babymoon Begin!

I’m giving myself a little vacation. Sometime in the next day/week/month I’ll be doing the whole birth thing which means I’ll be blogging a little less in order to focus on my family and snuggle my new little man! I’ll pop in from time to time, but to keep things rolling around here I’ll be […]