
  • Cooking … this amazing recipe from The Pioneer Woman. I mean, does she not cook anything amazing? I saw her whip this up on last week’s episode and couldn’t wait to pick me up some leeks and white wine. It turned out fabulous! My mom said it is one of her new favorite pastas and we’re planning on doing some mixing and matching with our next batch –> chicken and squash, I think.
  • Reading … my Nook! I just started Radical Homemaker which is a book I’ve been wanting to read for eons. So far so good :) Seriously, my Nook has been the best thing as of late. There is no way I could nurse and juggle a book, but with my Nook I can prop it up and with the swipe of a finger turn the page. Never thought I’d be an electronic book reader, but, apparently I am! Plus, I’m super in love with my Nook case from Pog Totes. Isn’t it pretty?!?!?You can get one too, use code THATMAMA for 10% off anything in the Pog Totes shop.
  • Wishing … I had another set of hands. But really, doesn’t every mama wish that?
  • Considering … a new plan for Jemma’s naptime. Up until now she has always fallen asleep with someone by her side. With Max’s arrival I’m struggling being two places at once so my hope is that Jem is secure enough in her space and knowing that I’m close by when she calls to manage falling asleep on her own.
  • Looking for … well, looking forward to Fall. It’s my favorite season by far due to my birthday, the sound of rain, falling leaves, comfort food, and my new Hunter boots.
    left | pancetta and leek pasta … right | my sweet lil’ Nook and darling case c/o Pog Totes
  • Cooking … not a thing :) I can’t wait for the day Jem falls in love with cooking. I hope it is something we can bond over together in the years to come. She does eat just about everything I cook which is a great blessing. She loved the pancetta and leek pasta and has been gobbling down watermelon with me!
  • Reading … all her favorite books, AKA the ones with animals. Butterflies or “flies” with the sign are her latest discovery.
  • Wishing … she could watch Caillou all day long. But let’s face it, that’s not going to happen.
  • Considering … ways to sneak a treat from the pantry. Luckily, she can’t get the doors open on her own, but if she sees me heading that way she is right there signing help, please, and more.
  • Looking for … ways to love her brother a little bit more. She has upped her kissing to trying to pick him up and full on snuggle him. 
  • left | granola bars have chocolate, who knew? … right | if that’s not sibling love, I don’t know what is

being the cutest little man in the world! But is that really a surprise? Awhile back I wrote about my nervousness with having a son. Not any more! He’s the greatest blessing and I couldn’t be more happy for the months and years to come.

left | tagging along on Mama and Daddy’s anniversary date … right | omg, mass cuteness

Harvesting Kale

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  1. says

    Let me know how you go with the napping. I may have to implement a similar thing before our new baby comes. Lucy has been so clingy at bedtime too. If I try to leave she screams and screams. :(

  2. Heather Filbert says

    We had to do the same thing about naps and bedtime once Gracie came along! Mason was three and still needed someone by his side to fall asleep at naps and bedtime. I always loved that special time with just us, but well, Gracie didn't appreciate it so much! The book I read to fix that situation was "The Sleep Lady's Good Night Sleep Tight:Gentle Proven Solutions to Help Your Child Sleep Well and Wake Up Happy" by Kim West and Joanne Kenen. It took about 5 weeks to completely phase it out. I just couldn't do the "cry it out" method, even when he was three. This just seemed gentle and loving and it was more work but worth it. But the book that changed my life was "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Marc Weissbluth. Because I started Gracie on it when she was 3 months old, we have had no issues with crying and now at almost six months she sleeps eleven hours per night and puts herself to sleep for most naps and bedtime. I just put her in her crib, give her a kiss and she sings and plays until she falls asleep. It doesn't work 100% of the time, but the trick is to start early and teach them how to sleep. So add those to your Nook! :) Good luck Mamma! :)

  3. says

    Ummm… the recipe? WOW. Pancetta and leeks are two of my favourite things :) I'm definitely going to try this out!

  4. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Thank you for the recommendations! I'm all over them :)