Five Favorites

Full speed ahead! That’s the name of the game around here! We’ve wrapped up summer (not the heat, just the travel and fun) and are telling ourselves that we love getting back into the groove of schoolwork. Fall is shaping up to be a fantastic one and before I launched into birthday prep – I […]

Five Favorites

This spring has been a whirlwind! The big kids and I visited Virginia and Washington D.C. on a historical extravaganza and then we wrapped up school in late April – just in time for our annual trek to visit family in the Northwest. Those adventures deserves a whole post of their own, but, for now […]

A Birthday Gift Guide Especially For Two Year Olds

​​​​​​​Some items included in this gift guide were complimentary samples for review. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own. ​​​​​​​Not quite sure how we just celebrated Charlie’s second birthday, but it’s true – my baby is officially two! I always love and appreciate mamas who share their gift ideas so in […]

10 of Our Favorite Wordless Books

Do you love wordless books? They’ve become a new favorite of ours! It all started with Eli lamenting, “I’ll never learn how to read!!!” I’ve promised him that when he wants we will begin practicing and that I have a decent track record of teaching littles to read, but still, he isn’t quite sure. I […]

Awesome At Home Haircuts with The Haircut Box

Ready to hear about the discovery of the year? It’s The Haircut Box … a bundle of supplies and lessons all about how to give awesome haircuts at home. I know, I know. That’s not your thing. You’re less than professional. You don’t want to mess up your little one’s hair. But trust me, you […]

Five Favorites

Charlie is just two weeks away from turning two! We can hardly believe it – where has the time gone? Good thing is, he still loves a snuggle. And, for those snuggles, we’re lovin’ the new, bigger size of Tula blankets … perfect for growing toddlers. They’re called “throws” and the patterns are precious! Our […]

Strong Mom | 7 Strength Training Essentials + My Favorite Workout Routine

I’ve been running through different seasons of motherhood for eight years now. Which is wild because I thought I’d do one race, say, “Awesome, check that off the ol’ goal list!” and be done. But now, many races in and many, many more miles of training I am apparently a true runner. In fact, this […]

Best Books of 2022

For awhile I was in a really good habit of recapping my reading each year. And then I wasn’t. But 2022 was *my reading year* … I read and listened to 133 books! Some were amazing and some were just so-so. But today I want to share the best books in a few categories. Hopefully […]

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide – For Him + Her

Today’s post isn’t technically sponsored but some items included in this guide were gifted to us for review. Well, hello there, February! Time to celebrate L-O-V-E! Traditionally, Dominic and I have not exchanged gifts for Valentine’s Day. We always try to go out for a little celebration sometime this month, but on the tail of […]

Best of the Year From Amazon

Some of my very favorite posts from fellow writers are round ups of their tried and true products. And now you get one from me! I scrolled all my purchases from 2022 and here you’ll find my “Best of the Year From Amazon”. These are all things I’ve told my sisters and besties to buy […]

Christmas Gift Guide for Kids

Some items listed below were gifted for review purposes. I wouldn’t share if they didn’t truly earn a spot though! Ever since the Amazon catalog arrived in the mail my crew has been all, “Please add this to my watch list”. That’s what they call their wish list and I love seeing what all they’re […]