Five Favorites

Full speed ahead! That’s the name of the game around here!

We’ve wrapped up summer (not the heat, just the travel and fun) and are telling ourselves that we love getting back into the groove of schoolwork.

Fall is shaping up to be a fantastic one and before I launched into birthday prep – I have one a month for the next three months … and then Christmas – I decided it was time to share five favorites. And some smiles from my wild and wonderful crew :)

ONE — Although I may be leaving the baby days, I’m loving that so many of my favorite brands are transitioning with me. I mean, hello – look what Petunia Picklebottom just released! It’s limited edition so don’t delay on snagging this fabulous style and print. Dare I say, it’s full of pixie dust :)

TWO — Have an excess of zucchini or squash? Make this! It’s delish!

THREE — We are obsessed with our new ice cream maker. And I’m obsessed that our summer treat doesn’t have any yucky ingredients in it.

FOUR — Must have little addition to your purse for travel … and, well, everyday.

FIVE — Another purse essential! Did you see me share about this on Instagram?

As always, thank you for any purchases you make through my affiliate links. The cents really do add up. To like, $10 every few months … but hey, that gets the kids a new book every now and again and that makes us all happy.

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