10 of Our Favorite Wordless Books

Do you love wordless books? They’ve become a new favorite of ours!

It all started with Eli lamenting, “I’ll never learn how to read!!!” I’ve promised him that when he wants we will begin practicing and that I have a decent track record of teaching littles to read, but still, he isn’t quite sure.

I assured him that even now, he can tell us stories – he can read to us from his imagination and narrate wordless books. We added a rotation of wordless books to our symposium just for Eli; so he can be part of the reading.

Surprise, surprise though – wordless books are everyone’s favorite! All the kids clamber to narrate and we’ve had such a fun time adding our own words to beautiful illustrations.

So far, in our exploration of wordless books, these are our favorites!

Whirl is a lovely story about maple seeds or “helicopters”. We especially like the facts that were listed on the back page.

This book officially joined our bookshelf – we’ve checked it out from the library so many times! Hike is for sure a favorite!

First Snow was our Eli’s first wordless book. It’s the sweetest little adventure story and he clued in so well to some of the emotions that were illustrated.

The fold outs in Flora and the Peacocks are just fantastic. In fact, all the Flora books are wonderful!

We love the sea so Flotsam was a no brainer! The Disney tie-in is fun too (Flotsam is the name of one of Ursula’s eels) and the big kids looked up the official definitely of “flotsam” … it means, “the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on or washed up by the sea”.

We’re currently participating in Everyday Reading’s 2023 Mock Caldecott List – we look forward to it every spring! – and The Great Zapfino is one on the list! The black and white book surprised me in so many ways. No wonder it made the list!

Journey is the first in a trilogy of wordless books. It is followed by Quest and Return, but Journey is our fave. Nothing like the first, right?

Flashlight is best read with a … flashlight! Build a tent or tuck in the closet and get ready for a good read!

Is it odd to tear up at a wordless book? Well, The Dot might do it to ya! This story has a wonderful lesson. Love this one!

Charlie’s recent birthday party was bee theme so we’re all about bees now. Bee & Me is just darling! I mean, who doesn’t want to fly along with a bumble bee?!?

Do you have a favorite wordless book? Please share!

Interested in more book lists? Here you go!

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