Pregnant Gals – add to your “to-buy” list

I keep reading how relaxation is key to a natural birth.You know, eliminate the high pitch shrieks when the contractions are about ready to kill me. No tightening up. Positive thinking. All that crap that I’ll probably through out the window as I scream bloody murder and yell every explitive I’ve ever heard …Sidenote – […]

22 Week Appointment

Time is flying by … before I know it, it will be Thanksgiving and I’ll have a little bundle tied to me all the time! Won’t that be something to be thankful for :)On Monday we trekked to Tualatin for our monthly midwife appointment. It takes a good 40 minutes to get there, but we […]

My friend, the scale

I wonder about alot of things that should never cross a person’s mind.One of these taboo wonderings is … “How much does that person weigh?” It doesn’t matter if it a rail thin person or not … I wonder. I always wish I knew so I could further hone my weight-guessing skills.I would love to […]

Meant to be?

Back ’round week 12 of pregnancy (ions ago, I know) I was sure as sureness can get that I was going to have a designer diaper bag. Since, I have come to grips with reality and gave myself a little pep talk. It went like this: “Girlfriend, you like to switch your bags too often […]