Little Sprout Basics

If you are stopping by for the D-List Blog Party you can read my welcome post here. Leah and I had a memorable weekend searching for a very specific baby booty pattern. When I get something stuck in my head, there is no stopping me. Saturday, it was booties. I wanted Leah’s next project to […]

Do-able Recipe Organization

If you are stopping by for the D-List Blog Party you can read my welcome post here. Multiple attempts. That has been my theme for properly organizing my recipes – both the treasured ones and the ones to try. I have not been successful as of yet so I am thinking of scaling back. What […]

I found this swell color while reading the most recent issue of Real Simple. Initially I thought it would work well in the nursery, but now I’m leaning more towards putting it in our bedroom or maybe an office. It is by Glidden and is called Soothing Green Tea. Just what I need for my […]

My Little Night Owl

When I lay down at night … propped up between 1,00 pillows … I feel my little one wiggle around like crazy. It’s hard to think about falling asleep when all I want to do is focus on these little movements. Let me tell you, I’ve got a little night owl growing inside of me! […]

Engagement Photo Book – Check!

That’s right … I already have one of my pregnancy projects complete. WOOHOO! I had a code for a free 8X8 book AND free shipping. I couldn’t pass it up. Plus, it feels hella good to have something checked off my list! Click here to view this photo book larger

Pregnancy Projects

I’ve had a number of projects in the works for many, many months. I always blame their lack of completeness on the season of the year (I’ll get started on that this summer), work (once I get through the busy time), or laziness (I don’t care about projects … I would rather watch all six […]

My list of “to-read before baby” is quickly growing … I’ll be honest, the books on labor are being pushed to the bottom. I think I’ve gathered the overall message, “1,000 things could happen and every mom is different”. I’ve moved on to other topics like Healthy Meals for Babies and Toddlers. I found this […]

Copycat Gretchen

Good ideas are rare. Even more, they rarely come out of no where. Mine usually come from another blog or magazine article. That’s right, Dominic … those gourmet recipes I whip up, I didn’t turn into Martha Stewart overnight … so don’t be fooled. I copied them. I copied the Martha Stewarts out there and […]

Whistle While You Work

We’re still in the process of moving. This weekend we’ll be visiting a potential home and I’m looking forward to checking it out. Cross your fingers this is the one! If so, we could move as early as May 22nd.In the meantime, we’ve had realtors and potentials buyers in and out of our current rental […]