Pregnancy Projects

I’ve had a number of projects in the works for many, many months. I always blame their lack of completeness on the season of the year (I’ll get started on that this summer), work (once I get through the busy time), or laziness (I don’t care about projects … I would rather watch all six seasons of Lost) on DVD). But, now that I’ve got a bun in the oven I am ready to attack! Must be something about the second trimester energy surge … nothing like a pending baby to light a fire under my bum!

Most of these projects are somewhat baby-related, but not really. This is more my list of non-nursery projects:
  • Complete a photobook of our engagement pictures (from 2007), yeah … bit late on this one
  • Complete a photobook of our wedding pictures … late on this one too, yikes!
  • Find my ma’s sewing machine (somewhere in storage) so I can begin some sewing projects
  • Have a garage sale
  • Make the tupperware to glass dish switch
  • Organize pantry (most likely, post-move)
  • Assess cleaning supplies, trash anything quasi-toxic, and make some of my own from more natural ingredients
  • Figure out this awesome magnet project
  • Sort all of my clipped recipes; compile into some sort of viewing binder/book
It might be a bit ambitious to say this will all me done by the time baby arrives. Perhaps I should set aim for the end of my maternity leave. We’ll see …
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