You know those weeks you where you start at zero? That’s me. I feel empty, just like my gas tank. Sad. I’m trying to accomplish alot this week. Too much I’m sure. We’ve been away from home the last two weekends and are gone again this coming weekend so I’ve got to fit things in […]
Friday = Mama G and Baby J Day
Yeah! Fridays are very happy days around our house … it’s Mama G and Baby J Day :) This week I discovered Diptic for iPhone. I rarely spend money on apps, but this was a must. Look what I can create? Picture collages of J Baby! Hello!?!? So worth $1.99! Today we are doing lots […]
Jemma’s Spa Morning
This morning as I ran out the door I asked our nanny to give Jemma a bath today. A few hours later I got this precious picture and text … Dear Mom, I had a nice time at the jacuzzi and spa with my nanny. I got an oil rub and a makeover and now […]
Oh, Monday
My to-do list is getting so long it needs categories. But, instead of boring you with the projects and tasks that swirl in my mind. How about some good ol’ fashioned Jemma lovin’ … This week we’ve got lots of laundry on the radar. Snuggles too. Work for me and Daddy. Nanny fun for Jem. […]
This week brought to you by Mama and Baby Hedgehog (and Baby Gap)
Snapshots of Our Long Weekend
4 Months

Milestone stickers c/o Sticky Bellies What a big girl we have! Jemma had her 4 month appointment on Monday and turned 4 months old on Wednesday. She is our greatest joy and we fall in love with her sweet personality more and more each day. She loves to have babbling conversations which are peppered with […]
Ikea Treasures

With the wintry weather upon us, Jemma and I have taken to weekly walks in some of our favorite inside places – Costco, the mall, grocery stores and Ikea. Last week we stumbled upon some sweet, kid-friendly things at Ikea. We didn’t purchase any, but might in the future! Dog bum clothes hooks, such bright […]
We found Mary Poppins, and no, you can’t have her
On Thursday night I hit a big mama milestone – I left Jem with her first non-family member so Dominic and I could go on a date. This wasn’t just any non-family member, it was Jemma’s lovely nanny! I’m heading back to work in February and we wanted Jem and her nanny to have some […]
A Space of My Own
Jemma and I surprised Daddy at work with lunch today. We had been running errands and our last stop was Costco – what better place for lunch? We grabbed pizza and a hot dog and made our way to his cabinet shop. After lunch Dominic gave us a tour of the new cabinet show room. […]
Totsy Love, Night Dipes & My Amazingness

First things first … discount websites are going to get me in trouble. Sometimes I just can’t resist cute things like this playsuit from Totsy. Adorable, right? Melton Begonia Baby Jumpsuit We have been using disposable 7th Generation dipes at night and this week we ran out. Instead of rushing to the store and plopping […]