Snapshots of Our Long Weekend

Its been awhile since we checked in. I guess that’s what you get when a working mama gets a long weekend :)
Here’s a bit of my smiling girl and our fun times!
Lots of laundry, including our cloth diaper routine … this sign helps keep everyone on track in case someone needs to jump in and finish a load
Look at my big girl!
… and her chubby thighs!
New diapers from BabySteals!
She loves holding her dangling toys, car rides are now bearable
Jemmers fell asleep with her carseat toy looped on her fingers
What a sweetie pie
Girlie smiles ALL DAY LONG :)
 And one last surprise … CAUGHT ON VIDEO!

Jemma – Sitting Like a Gorilla from That Mama Gretchen on Vimeo.

My next video mission is to record our morning face washing routine. It is priceless!
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