a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013 Jemma / / / “Mom, you’re like the paparazzi. Give me a break!” Max / / / This little mister is roller, scooting and army crawling. He is on the move!
finding beauty, confidence, and rest in motherhood
a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013 Jemma / / / “Mom, you’re like the paparazzi. Give me a break!” Max / / / This little mister is roller, scooting and army crawling. He is on the move!
I’ve been doing a thorough cleanse of all the “random” I keep finding as I unpack. If it doesn’t have a purpose — it’s gone! Of course, Pinterest ideas have been in the back of my mind during this random cleanse and I’ve designated one box for supplies that will aid in some future craft […]
BONE BROTH Brought to you by Bianca from The Pierogie Mama INGREDIENTS 1 roast chicken carcass, with the yummiest meat picked off. This recipe uses all the not so yummy bits from the chicken :) Any available uncooked veggies you have (such as carrot, celery, garlic, onion scraps) 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 2 […]
Eating & Drinking / / / tons of water! Since my bout with mastitis and a 3-week long cold my poor milk supply took a dip. I’ve been chugging water like no one’s business to stay super hydrated and it’s working! That and the 2 dozen lactation cookies I gobbled down. Listening / / / […]
Every day I’m somewhat amazed at how much Jemma is growing up. Far from my baby, so much of a little girl. And yet, so much of her still yearns to be close, to be held, to be deeply connected to me. Often, she asks me to put Max down so she can snuggle into […]
a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013 Jemma / / / This little girl is in love with her room! It has a long way to go before it’s complete, but for now she couldn’t be happier with her floor bed and book case of favorite books! Max / / […]
This ^ is my new life phrase, compliments of my sister. She knows me too well. Too well, I tell ya. A walk to the mail box … Catch Me If You Can Longsleeve c/o Ellie February Collection | Love Struck Legging c/o Ellie February Collection | shoes, ancient Adidas | stroller, Uppa Baby The […]
Jemma has officially entered a new phase of toddler eating … picky! I’m willing that it passes soon! My sweet girl who used to inhale anything and everything has become quite opinionated about what graces her plate. There are only a few things I can count on for meal success right now and one of […]
I first fell in love with Just Between Friends when I was pregnant with Jemma. I’ve always been a thrifter, but welcoming a new baby was exactly the event I needed to let my shopping passion fly. You see, Just Between Friends is the ultimate baby sale. It’s a cross between a garage sale and […]
a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013 First photos in the new house — YAY! Jemma / / / All day pajama days are Jem’s favorites. Story time with Grandpa are a close second :) Max / / / Snuggle nap times for the win! Jemma / / / Her […]
A good friend of mine posted this Q&A thread from Apartment Therapy on Facebook this week and boy, was it exactly what I needed to read. Cause we’re in the big, gorgeous house now and it feels empty and cluttered with boxes and we’re holding off on blinds (sorry neighbors) and other purchases until we […]