Eating & Drinking / / / tons of water! Since my bout with mastitis and a 3-week long cold my poor milk supply took a dip. I’ve been chugging water like no one’s business to stay super hydrated and it’s working! That and the 2 dozen lactation cookies I gobbled down.
Listening / / / to the quiet whoosh of the baby monitor.
Thinking / / / about my need for an attitude adjustment. I’ve been all “woe is me” with the family being sick and living in the midst of box-a-palooza. We’re saving up for some furniture and until then things just seem haphazard. I’m hesitant to hang things on the wall until everything is just so and I know I need to take the plunge and make do so we can get a more settled feeling around here. I think I need to get outside more too. In the next while Dominic and I are hoping to get a side-by-side double stroller so we can go on some longer family walks. What input do you have between the BOB Dualie and Bumbleride Indie Twin? I’m all ears!
Eating & Drinking / / / jars and jars of canned fruit. Peaches and pears are current favorites. She also gobbled down bacon spinach caramelized onion quiche and oatmeal for breakfast, chana masala and naan for lunch and chicken quinoa with almonds and parmesan for dinner. Girlfriends appetite is back after being sick! Oh, and she’s been drinking elderberry zinc syrup in watered down cran-apple juice – building that immunity!
Listening & Reading / / / to her new book on CD – “Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You See?”
Thinking / / / If this little chatterbox’s conversations are any sign of her thoughts she thinks about letters, numbers and animals almost nonstop. The weather too. And her brother. That about sums it up :)
Eating / / / well, gnawing on cold carrots for teething. Actually eating green beans and chicken bits.
Drinking / / / Mama milk.
Listening / / / to Mama’s rock ‘n roll version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the ABC’s.
Reading / / / whatever his sister shares with him. She thinks she owns the family library and Max just has to join in.
Thinking / / / sisters are bossy and mama should carry me more. Who needs to practice sitting and crawling when you could view the world from mama’s hip?
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Hope you all feel better soon. Mastitis is so not fun.
I love that you added a currently for Jemma & Max! I might be stealing that idea