Five Favorites: Transition Edition

Whoa! Like, where have I been?!? Well, we finished packing (it was comical), the kids and I moved in my sister (so grateful!), we bought a house in Texas (before we ever saw it in person), Dominic went to set things up (we miss him!), and in just a few weeks we’re road trippin’ south […]

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and I’ve been brainstorming the perfect gift for my mom … and me :) Are you on the lookout too? Below you’ll find a fun assortment of treasures that most every gal in your life will love. So, whether it be Mother’s Day, a spring birthday, or just […]

Five Favorite: Postpartum Edition

Well, we have made it halfway through the 4th trimester! It has been WILD to say the least. In the midst of birth recovery we sold our house and are now heavy into packing and prepping for an out of state move. Charlie is a dream baby. He just goes with the flow and loves […]

Charlie’s Birth Story

It’s probably not the greatest mom move to say that Charlie’s birth was my favorite, but I’m going to anyway. Not my favorite kid (they’re all my favorite!), but my favorite birthing experience, I think. I claim this partly because he is my last. Because I want to go out on this whole pregnancy and […]

23 Weeks

With previous pregnancies I have chronicled A LOT here on the blog. And this time, well, I haven’t. As in, this is the first official week survey update. More for me than you. So just bare with me :) Truly, I was so sick early on. Then I started to feel better and hit the […]

“Halfway There” Maternity Style

Today’s post is in partnership with PinkBlush. It’s no secret that I jump into maternity clothes as soon as I can. I’m all about pregnancy comfort and seeing that this is baby bump #5 I have definite favorites in my pregnancy box that I’m always eager to get back to. Then again, with each baby […]

Five Favorites

I had my first midwife appointment today! It seems surreal that I’m back in the prenatal care routine. Then again, this has kind of been my loop for the last decade. I have a solid month left in my first trimester … and maybe a few residual weeks of not feeling well. Pretty much, I’m […]

Baby Five!

I’ve been feeling crummy for a solid month now but that doesn’t negate how so very excited we are to be welcoming a new baby!!! I’m due in February of 2021 which will give Eli and this baby the exact age gap that Max and Reid have. All the kids are heavily pulling for a […]

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is such a special holiday. One of my favorites. A beautiful time to reflect and honor and snuggle my most precious blessings.​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​ Oh, and presents :) Those are pretty nice too! I usually coordinate a group gift between my sisters and I for our mom, I brainstorm with my husband for his […]

Word of the Year: Pace

Last year I established some really wonderful habits. It’s like I came out of the baby fog and could finally handle keeping myself accountable. Should I have done it earlier? Yes. Am I better late than never? Definitely. Side note here … Still very much in the toddler fog. But I suppose I’ve just acclimated. […]

Winter Run Motivation

On my birthday run I got to thinking. Mostly about how gorgeous the weather was – clear, crisp, just a slight breeze – and how it won’t last. In October things tend to turn in the PNW. The rain comes. The sun sets earlier. I end up on the treadmill more often than not. Which, […]