With previous pregnancies I have chronicled A LOT here on the blog. And this time, well, I haven’t. As in, this is the first official week survey update. More for me than you. So just bare with me :)
Truly, I was so sick early on. Then I started to feel better and hit the second trimester at full throttle aiming to do ALL THE THINGS before I am too tired come the third trimester.
So, here’s a bare belly snapshot of my 23 week self ^^^. Do you think this little one will beat Eli’s 11 pounds, 4 ounces?!?
How far along: 23 weeks
Gender: A boy! We found out super early … like 8 1/2 weeks thanks to the Sneak Peek test. Our ultrasound confirmed so it’s for sure … baby boy #4 is joining the fam!
Weight gain: I don’t know. I wrote all about that here and honestly I’m so grateful because tracking my weight is not something I have the mental or emotional capacity for right now.
Sleep: Decent. I was blessed with a pregnancy pillow through my local Buy Nothing group (love that community!) because I got rid of mine somewhere along the line and between that and our new sheets from Cosy House (can’t wait to share more on those!) I fall asleep and stay asleep more nights than not.
Best moment this week: We bought our first big baby thing – a Nuna Leaf with the Wind attachment. Not a new one though, we found a deal on Facebook Marketplace!
Worst moment this week: This was our week off school and I spent two different days massively purging and organizing the kid’s rooms. This was a good thing. They helped and we made tons of progress. But the flip side is … I have a lot of work because of it now. Sorting, selling, donating. Basically, The Home Edit has me angsty for perfection while I am still trying to balance real life and a reasonable organizational budget.
Miss anything: Alcohol. Which is always my pregnancy craving. So odd because I order a cocktail 2-3x a year and only really like one kind of wine.
Movement: Oh yes! Especially at night when I’m trying to fall asleep. I’m 99% sure he’s breech (not a big deal at this stage) because all his kicks are super low.
Cravings: Homemade green smoothies, Lucky Charms, sub sandwiches, and Honey Nut Chex Mix … so thankful for Walmart grocery pick-up! Truly, if you have not used Walmart for groceries yet, you must. Here is a $10 credit towards your first pick-up.
Queasy or sick? Not any more! Thank goodness! Right around 14-15 weeks I turned the corner.
Looking forward to: honestly, each and every day. This is the really good window of my pregnancy and I have so much on my radar to do!
What Jemma thinks: A few years ago we gave Jem an old phone that acts as an iPod pretty much. I downloaded the Bump app on it for her and she is my constant reminder of how our baby is developing. I love that she loves watching him grow!
What Max thinks: Max was the first to feel our little guy move! He was so excited and I’ll never forget how his eyes lit up.
What Reid thinks: Reid is the uber protector right now. He constantly yells at Eli to be careful and “NOT BUMP THE BABY IN MAMA’S TUMMY!”
What Eli thinks: Eli loves his brother so much already. It makes me melt. He kisses my tummy morning, night, and throughout the day and I honestly can’t wait to see him flourish into big brotherhood.
23 weeks with Eli + 23 weeks with Reid + 22 weeks with Max … which ohmygoodness, I mention name ideas in that one and apparently I thoroughly predicted future sons’ names. The fourth name I mention isn’t this little guy’s name though.