Winter Run Motivation

On my birthday run I got to thinking. Mostly about how gorgeous the weather was – clear, crisp, just a slight breeze – and how it won’t last. In October things tend to turn in the PNW. The rain comes. The sun sets earlier. I end up on the treadmill more often than not. Which, […]

10 Non-Scale Victories That Matter Way More Than a Number

Growing up, I wasn’t an athlete. In fact, I was definitely a non-athlete. As an elementary school student, I vividly remember being dressed in a jumper and mary janes on PE day, and tripping over the kickball as it was rolled my way. My thoughtful teacher walked me to first base. I think he knew […]

10K Like Whoa!

After my 5K in August (that I never mentioned), I decided to up the ante. Time for a 10K! I met my goal for the August 5K by seconds – done in under 30 minutes – and I needed something new to work towards. Because … running gets to you like that. I downloaded the Nike Run Club […]