Truly Custom Invites

This post is sponsored by Basic Invite.  Eight moves in ten years, ya’ll. And we’re over it! The packing is killer. The transition is hard on everyone. The “Where are we going next and when?” is unsettling. But thankfully, it’s over! We’re ready to plant some deep roots and stay for a long while in this […]

Dip Your Way Through the Big Game

  Take a moment and turn the calendar … do you see what’s happening the first Sunday of February?  That’s right, it’s the Big Game!!! You know the one ;) Now, if you know me at all, you know that football knowledge is not one of my claims to fame. I barely know the difference […]

Chicken Curry Rice

I’ve been unpacking and sorting for days. Uh. Moving unearths the most tragic amount of random stuff and I’m bound and determined to give each and every thing an organized place or send it on its way.  As overwhelming as it has been to move over the holidays, it has been great too because my mom […]

Home Sweet Home

So, we didn’t build a house like we had planned. But, we did buy a house! It’s such a long, tumultuous story. Maybe one day I’ll share it all. But the good news is, we’re home and someday, we’ll be settled. We’re tired and happy. We just got our Christmas tree today and the silverware […]

7 Hilarious, But True Things Moms Believe About the Holidays

  Thanksgiving is over which means we’re full force into the Christmas season! I both smile at cringe at the thought. Because, well, is your to do list a mile long? Because mine sure is! We’ve got Christmas programs on the calendar, family visiting, a move (but that’s a story for another day), decorating, gift buying, […]

Cream Cheese Spritz Cookies

I have two fantastic things to pass on to ya’ll today. First, a super easy and wonderful way to send our love to those affected by the California wildfires and hurricane victims in Texas and Florida (because yes, although it’s not in the news anymore, many are still recovering from the devastation). And second, a […]

Goat Cheese + Pear Grilled Cheese Bites With Honey Butter Glaze

   Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot wait for you to try this recipe! Grilled cheese has always been a comfort food of mine so when the weather cools and the holidays are around the corner, you can pretty much bet that grilled cheese is on my mind. But, as I’ve gotten older, wiser, and more […]

Creamy, Not-Too-Spicy Jalepeno Dip

Awhile back (summer 2016 to be exact), baby Reid and I made the trek to Texas to visit my sister. There, I fell in love with Tex-Mex. Deep, cheesy, fresh salsa, Tres Leches kinda love. Upon arriving home, I craved all the things and nothing in the Northwest quite compares to the food scene in Texas. […]

Black Bean + Sweet Potato Street Tacos

This post was sponsored by S&W Beans and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. Is there a time of year that doesn’t call for tacos? No. No there is not.  But, when you start mixing ingredients like black beans and sweet potatoes, they do get a bit of a fall vibe. And […]

So You Wanna Shibori?

This is gonna be short and sweet. If you follow my Instagram stories (which I’m totally touch and go with), you may have caught wind of my shibori attempt. I say, “attempt” because the final product turned out medium in my book of DIY successes; not quite how I imagined, but also, not a total failure.   […]