Truly Custom Invites

This post is sponsored by Basic Invite. 

Eight moves in ten years, ya’ll. And we’re over it! The packing is killer. The transition is hard on everyone. The “Where are we going next and when?” is unsettling. But thankfully, it’s over! We’re ready to plant some deep roots and stay for a long while in this town, this home.

And that’s why we’re celebrating with a little housewarming party! 

basic invite

Choosing invitations and picking a date for this shindig has me super motivated to get boxes unpacked and their contents organized. I doubt things will be perfect, but they’ll at least be presentable … or hidden behind a closed door. And the kitchen is already in working order so brunch won’t be a problem :) 

If you have yet to discover Basic Invite when it comes to paper goods, you are missing out! From weddings to baby showers to graduations and birthdays, Basic Invite has perfect invitations to choose from. Best of all, they offer some really unique features that allow you to super customize your project. It’s no wonder they call themselves the home of The Truly Custom Invite™.

My favorite feature is the color element. At Basic Invite you choose your card design and then you can customize ALL the colors. There are 180 to choose from and it immediately shows you a preview so you can easily see what your invitation will look like. You can also choose from 40 envelope colors. And those envelopes? No licking! They’re peel and seal!

brunch color trio

Now, in my case, I didn’t need these extras this time, but for weddings (are you reading little sister, because this will be great for you!) and other more formal or larger gatherings you can order a sample of your invitation to preview before submitting your final order. Basic Invite also helps organize addresses through their address capturing service. With this service you simple share a link on social media to request family and friend’s addresses that are then stored in your account. During the design process you can select each address and they are printed on the envelopes at no additional cost. Back in the day, I painstakingly collected all the addresses for my wedding and then typed each one into an address label template before feeding said labels through my testy printer … where was Basic Invite in 2010?!? 

All that to say, we’re so thankful to be home sweet home and if that isn’t a reason to celebrate, what is? 

What modern invitation design catches your eye? I REALLY want to use these ones for Max’s birthday later this year! Use code 15FF51 for 15% off your Basic Invite order and follow them on Instagram for peeks a new designs and invitation ideas.

basic invite

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  1. Carol H says

    Very Very Cute! And yes – Perfect for a wedding!