Protein Packed Lentil Banana Bread

​​​​​​​Ok, this is gonna be a fun one! My very first, completely modified recipe! Like, I took a traditional fave and made it quite a bit healthier. I mean, lentils? In banana bread? YES! Jem confirmed, she never would have guessed about the lentils. And the boys gobbled it down. Mama win! You see, with […]

Roasted Garlic

I have always loved garlic. If a recipe calls for one clove, expect two from me … “in the name of wellness”, because, garlic is a real gem in both flavor and immune boosting properties. I’m sure it can be overdone, but I’ve yet to experience that. Take today’s recipe for example, it’s all about […]

Carrot Curry Soup

Well, well! Nothing like rolling in with a fresh recipe as a blog comeback, yeah? We hung out in Dallas last week and in an attempt to make a healthier choice I opted for carrot curry soup over pizza at the Perot Museum cafeteria. I was skeptical and then … it was delicious! My one […]

Reid’s Room Tour

It has been months now since Dominic finished Reid’s bed, but seeing that Reid is four and still learning to keep things tidy, his room hasn’t really been picture lately. Reid’s room also doubles as our guest room so with visitors last month we got it all straightened. And before his little wild and crazy […]

Rocky Road Bars

When the kids and I decided to do a big holiday baking day this year we brainstormed some of our favorite recipes and then sat down and scrolled Pinterest too. We wanted a mix of old and new recipes, past favorites and hopefully soon-to-be favorites. Out of the eight recipes we made, these rocky road […]

Homemade Cinnamon Sugar Bagels, the LEMO Chair, and Symposium

Today, we had a home day. And it was glorious. For being homeschoolers we don’t seem to be home very much. I mean, we are. We have a pretty strict nap time each day so are almost always home for lunch and rest, but home days where we just get to be and work on […]

The Chore Chart That Is Actually Working For Us!

A special thank you to The Buttercup House for gifting our family a set of chore magnets. We have gone through many a season of chore charts. Honestly, I feel like I’ve tried them all. The only thing I haven’t tried is a traditional allowance for completing chores. I’m very much in the camp of […]

Blackberry Cobbler

We rolled in from Glacier on Saturday (can’t wait to share about our trip!) and immediately had to harvest all the things. Garden goodies, flowers, and gobs of blackberries. We ate a cup or two while picking – aren’t hot summer berries fresh off the bush just the best? – and then put four cups […]

Salmon Cheese Ball

Dominic has been following a keto diet since the beginning of the year. He’s down almost 30 pounds and I’m so proud of his commitment to healthy choices. I need to support him in finding and making more keto-friendly recipes and have intentions to do much better … starting with this salmon cheese ball! Isn’t […]