Home Sweet Home


So, we didn’t build a house like we had planned. But, we did buy a house!

It’s such a long, tumultuous story. Maybe one day I’ll share it all. But the good news is, we’re home and someday, we’ll be settled. We’re tired and happy. We just got our Christmas tree today and the silverware has been found. Good things are happening around here!

Last night Jemma asked, “Is THIS the house I’m going to grow up in?” Poor girl is on her 5th move, 6th if you count when I was pregnant with her. She is only 7. No wonder she’s anticipating another move while hoping that we’re here to stay for a bit.

And we are. At least that’s the plan. A good 5-10 years which, for us, feels like forever. So yes, Jem, this is where you’ll grow up. Cue the tears! My babies are going to grow up here!

We have grand plans for a school room, Dominic is going to transform the backyard, and eventually I’m going to have a little corner of my own to work from. You guys, I may even wallpaper something. We’re so very thankful for how God orchestrated this move. Over and over we saw his blessings come to fruition. And all that makes this house all the better, because it was meant to be.

Welcome home, little family.

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  1. says

    Congrats! It looks so beautiful!

  2. Amber says

    Oh my!! Its gorgeous!! Congrats!!

  3. says

    That yard is perfect for sledding, rolling, romping, throwing, jumping….LOVE!

    • Gretchen says

      Yes, we cannot wait!