Grow, Jemma, Grow!

Yesterday morning we packed up and drove to visit Dr. Kevin for Jemma’s first pediatrician appointment. Dr. Kevin is only a few minutes from our house and being the smarty that Mama is, we had one of the first appointments (to avoid sick children and lines).

Daddy and J ready to head in

 Dr. Kevin’s office was implementing a new computer system so our check-in took a bit longer than usual, but the office gals were super nice. Dominic and I tag-teamed check-in since Jemma felt the need to nurse shortly after we arrived. So, I whipped out my nursing cover and had my second public feeding (first time was at Applebee’s … which is very difficult when crammed into a booth … note to self, ask to be seated at a table with chairs). 
We were most anxious to see how much Jemma had grown. This girl can eat and I just knew she would be over 10 pounds. After undressing her we discovered …

10 lbs, 6 oz. 
Birth – 8 lbs., 10 oz.
22 3/4 in. 
Birth – 21 1/4 in.
Mama and J before her PKU prick

I didn’t have very many questions for Dr. Kevin. Things seem to be plugging along quite well. He was super impressed with her growth (100th percentile for weight and height … they determine this by comparing her stats to 100 other girls born on October 2nd). He attributed this to our breastfeeding relationship. I asked about her belly button … the cutest outie you have ever seen … because it still has a little stink from her umbilical cord falling off. He said it was totally normal and to not disrupt it because soft tissue was still healing inside. I also asked about her legs. Baby legs are kind of bowed and being the crazy mom that I am I wanted to make sure it was normal and that she wouldn’t have trouble when she started walking. We also got a prescription for Vitamin D drops since that is the only vitamin breastmilk is missing. 
We’ll be back at 2 months for another check-up. Crossing our fingers we won’t need a visit between now and then!

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  1. says

    oh my goodness, Miss Jemma certainly loves her mama's milk! Glad to hear you guys are doing so well!

  2. says

    Grow Jemma grow! You're a great team! I know that you are a wonderful mom. It is very important to feel comfortable at your pediatrician's office. Our goal is to only go in for well checks too!

  3. says

    Yes grow Jemma grow! so glad to hear she is getting so big.